The Power of Gratitude

If I was to ask you to tell me the first thing that comes to your mind when I say ‘power’. I doubt gratitude would come to you. In fact, as a universal value, this is power and it is a clear feeling. Why do it? it feels good and when you feel positive, you are open to possibilities in life. If you are ungrateful and feeling as if a victim, then you are not going to see the beauty. You will be constantly comparing yourself with others, seeing they have more, more talent, more beauty, a nice house, kids and family. How can you compete? The secret is not to compete but to celebrate what you have right under your nose.

As a clown I always see beauty, there is nothing that I do not feel is magic. My mindset is to be open to all people with a spirit of love. I come home from clowning and feel deeply grateful for such a wonderful life. I feel deeply fullfilled when I reach out to the world with an attitude of gratitude for life.

Here is some information to inspire you.

The Power Of Gratitude

Discover The Power Of Gratitude To Unleash
Unlimited Abundance And Happiness In Your Life

The Power Of Gratitude Will Unleash Your Ability To Attract

Developing an attitude of sincere gratitude for your current blessings unleashes the power for receiving many more. Every Day Give Thanks.

Consciously utilizing The Power Of Gratitude is an extremely important aspect of attracting to yourself the Abundance and Happiness that you desire and deserve in your life.

First, let’s explore how sincere gratefulness works from a strictly scientific perspective and how, through our individual choice to develop a consistent habit of expressing heartfelt gratitude enacts the unwavering power of Universal Law to draw more to be grateful for.

As we’ve discovered in the Law of Vibration , everything within our universe broken down into it’s purest form is a vibrating mass of atoms and subatomic particles. (Energy) Through the Law of Attraction , the energy (vibrations) that you resonate and project based on your thoughts, feelings, and emotions determines your “vibrational frequency” which broadcasts that frequency, attracts to it energy or vibrational frequencies that harmonize or resonate with it which determines the events, situations, and circumstances that you attract and eventually see manifest into your life.

What does that have to do with the Power Of Gratitude?

Absolutely Everything!

When you are in a sincere state of gratitude your energy (vibrational resonance) is one of acceptance and harmony. You resonate and as a result project a much higher vibrational frequency which is exactly what attracts to you the events, conditions, and circumstances that you desire.

To provide more clarity on the resonance created and projected by gratitude consider the following analogy…

Think of yourself as a giant magnet. Whatever you are feeling, whether it be love, fear, anger, happiness, anger, joy, gratitude, resistance etc. you are in essence creating a magnetic force that attracts and draws to you events, conditions and circumstances which are in direct correlation to what you are feeling. Fear of something creates a magnetic force that will attract more of what you fear. Expressing Gratitude for any situation projects a magnetic force that draws to you more of what you are expressing gratitude for.

In other words gratitude puts you in a harmonious vibrational resonance which attracts additional energies

At any time that you are NOT expressing gratitude for an outcome you are in essence resisting the outcome which places your focus on NOT WANTING that outcome. When this happens what are your thoughts and emotions fixated on? What you DON”T want, correct? That focus of NOT wanting creates a “magnetic force” which only serves to draw to you more of that which you are NOT WANTING or resisting.

Let’s look at the difference between expressing gratitude and resistance in your day to day life…

When you experience an outcome that you find displeasing and you choose to fight or resist whatever is happening in your life at any given moment you are actually creating resistance, which puts you in a disharmonious vibration, or a lower vibrational frequency, and we all know what begins to happen then, don’t we? You resonate with and begin to attract the dis-harmonious events, conditions and circumstances into your life that you are resisting. As mentioned above, you are drawing to you or attracting through your “magnetic force” the polar opposite of what you have a desire to experience.

Resistance is placing focus on what you would rather NOT have happening which is in essence creating and projecting a magnetic force which is drawing to you what it is that you are placing your predominant focus on (resisting) or DON”T have a desire to experience. This focus can only draw more of that which you are focusing on.

Gratitude on the other hand is an acceptance of things just the way they are which correlates with acceptance which in turn resonates and projects a much different resonance of energy creating a magnetic force that is conducive to attracting the “desired” outcome.

A common question that comes up is……

“How in the world can I be in a state of gratitude when everything seems to be going wrong? Let’s dig down a bit deeper, analyze this a little further and you’ll have a crystal clear understanding of what is actually happening.

First of all it’s important to recognize the importance of accepting responsibility for whatever is going on in your life. As we’ve covered in The Power Of Thoughts , the events, conditions and circumstances that you’re currently experiencing are manifestations based on thoughts and emotions that you’ve chosen at some point in the past. It’s due to those thoughts and emotions which represent the seeds, that you are experiencing whatever outcome you currently are. Remember, you are the one that thinks your thoughts. Your thoughts do not think you. In the same way, the emotions experienced serve as a gauge and are a reflection of the quality of thoughts that you are thinking.

Since your current outcomes are based on what you have thought and felt at some point in the past and those outcomes are now being experienced in your life, guess who created them? YOU did!! Although that may not make you feel any better about them just yet, consider this…

Since it is you that is responsible for attracting and creating “undesirable outcomes, then isn’t it also possible to change the thoughts and emotions responsible for creating them which will produce the desired result? Absolutely!!

Simply recognizing the fact that you brought them into your life in and of itself provides you with an understanding of your creative power which in and of itself should instill a sense of gratitude that you’ve been provided the choice as to what you will create for your life.

Although prior to understanding how this process works you were in essence “unconsciously creating”, now you can begin to “consciously create” more to express gratitude for.

Once you fully grasp and understand that your current experiences here and now are merely guideposts showing you that you are either on the right path of creating your desired outcomes or that you need to make some adjustments in your thought processes that created them, you will become empowered to express heartfelt gratitude for whatever is currently happening in your life recognizing the fact that YOU created it.

Sure…you could get mad at yourself and choose to be upset but what energy are you resonating through that choice? NOT the kind that will attract desired outcomes for sure.

Your perception of something going wrong is only your perception, that is all. A misguided perception based on false beliefs and a lack of understanding that EVERYTHING unfolds in your life perfectly just as you choose and instruct.

In the bigger scheme of things, Nothing EVER goes “wrong.” It is only based on a lack of deeper understanding concerning the process of creation that you “perceive” something as going wrong. The process of creation NEVER wavers. It is, has been and always will be perfect, precise and unfailing 100% of the time.

It is only wrong thought and wrong perceptions that are responsible for igniting emotions that attract creations that show up in your life in the form of events, conditions and circumstances that you perceive as “going wrong.”

It’s important to recognize and express gratitude for the fact that EVERYTHING in your life is a miracle, a creation that YOU created.

Creation, regardless of how you might perceive it is ALWAYS 100% of the time a miracle. Learn to recognize that fact and express gratitude for EVERY miracle in your life and you will begin to see the life changing power that gratitude holds in creating MUCH more to be grateful for.

Those miracles (creations) which show up that aren’t in harmony with your intended or desired outcomes are merely signs that YOU need to make adjustments within yourself. When you fully grasp and internalize this truth you’ll learn to express gratitude for the sign that you mis-created it and that you have been provided with the evidence that will enable you to change the thoughts, emotions and perceptions which brought it into your life.

Your perceptions regarding any event, condition or circumstance are only based on a memory of something in the past that is stored in your subconscious mind and can be consciously changed if you discover that it is not in harmony with what you have a desire to accomplish.

For example, let’s look at two people with totally different perceptions regarding the same situation, and see first hand what an attitude of gratitude is, and isn’t.

This analogy will validate the old saying that “There’s a silver lining in EVERY cloud.” That’s MUCH more true than most understand.

Let’s say that you wake up on a Saturday morning after a good nights rest. You’ve worked hard all week and you’re really looking forward to getting outside and playing in a golf tournament that you had entered, and enjoying your weekend of R&R. You’re feeling pretty good about the day ahead of you. You make your coffee and head for the window to open the blinds. You get them opened up and look out the window. ARGGHHHHHH, it’s raining outside!

Next, your self talk kicks in and it goes something like this. “Oh man, my whole day is ruined. I was planning on doing this and that and now I can’t. Why do things always have to happen like that? Another weekend shot! I can’t ever get a break!”

Obviously your perception is that everything went wrong and your whole weekend is ruined. Based on your thought pattern and perception, your right, it is. Unless you are able to change that perception, you’ll allow yourself to have a less than desirable weekend. In fact, by remaining in this state, you will literally attract additional events, conditions, and circumstances to you that will make Certain that you have a less than desirable weekend!

This is a classic case of resistance, or ungratefulness. No silver lining here right?

Now let’s take a look at the neighbor down the street who always seems to have things going his way. Let’s imagine it’s the same scenario. He has worked all week and made plans to play in the same golf tournament that you were entered in.

He walks to the window, opens the shades and sees exactly the same situation that you did when you opened them except, although he initially has a little disappointment because he can’t go to the golf tournament he was planning on, he decides that there is nothing he can do to change the situation and begins his habitual thought process and self talk which goes something like this…

“Boy I sure was looking forward to that golf tournament. Oh well, I’ve got a few things that need to get done around here today anyway. That means I don’t have to water the grass for a few days and that will sure save a little on my water bill. It’s been a few weeks since it rained and we sure needed it.”

Although the person in the second example was a little disappointed initially, a conscious decision was made that wouldn’t allow it to ruin the entire weekend and shifted the focus to something more positive and productive.

This is a classic case of remaining in gratitude, regardless. No resistance, no allowing undesired emotions to ignite and the end result is a harmonious vibration.

Do you see what I mean about perception? Same situation, different people, different perception, different outcome.

Although that’s a “physical” example, it conveys from that perspective how varying perceptions can create completely opposite experiences.

When you have developed a crystal clear understanding that all things work for the greater good no matter how seemingly bad things may appear, it becomes much easier to stay in a state of gratitude.

When you are able to fully develop that awareness, (and with a little practice, you will) not only is it an extremely freeing experience, but you are setting your self up for a much greater flow of Abundance and Happiness being attracted and coming into your life…EVERY area of your life! When the Universe sees that you are grateful for what you have, it will send you more.

This is exactly how Universal Laws operate. The universe doesn’t perceive anything as good or bad, it only sends outcomes to you based on your vibrational resonance, and your attitude concerning any given thing is exactly what determines that vibrational resonance.

God, Universal Consciousness, Super-Conscious Mind or whatever you perceive Source to be, loves each person unconditionally exactly the same and only delivers to each precisely what we are asking for, based on our individually chosen vibrational output. If that output resonates anger, fear, doubt, worry etc. the vibrational resonance that you’re projecting communicates and the universe perceives that you are asking for outcomes based on that output, and that is exactly what you’ll receive!

As spiritual text states it…”As you sow, so shall you reap.”

On the other hand, by learning to consciously control the emotions that determine that output, and developing the ability to remain in a state of Gratitude regardless of what the situation may temporarily consist of, your vibrational output or magnetically attractive force is conducive to attracting outcomes that are in vibrational resonance with Gratitude and you can only attract to you the events, conditions and circumstances that are in alignment with Gratitude. Positive and Desired Outcomes!

We can’t possibly control everything that is going on around us in the world but we can most certainly control ourselves and how we perceive what’s going on.

The unwavering systems (Universal Laws) have been put into place, and you only need to learn to operate in harmony with them, which will allow you to attract the Abundance and Happiness that you desire.

Developing an attitude of gratitude is one of the most important things that you can do for attracting and manifesting the things that you desire into your life. In fact, if you have a desire to consistently attract desired outcomes, it’s essential that you do!

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Mohandas Gandhi

“If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.”
