Saving the World Just In Time

The world will be saved. Just focus on light, all that is, is information, it is truth. They say the truth sets you free, from fear actually. Focus on the world you want, that creates it. Talk about it, draw it, envisage that you can have what you want. Then create it in your life, the world changes. Whalla just in time.


My eyesight is fading,
For I am becoming blind,
But instead of darkness,
I see light,
In the twilight of my years,
For the seers speak to me,
I am listening with my heart,
For the world is falling apart.

I can no longer see,
Right or wrong,
Weak or strong,
Better or worse,
For I am colour blind,
I only see hope,
I only see potential,
I only see your greatness,
Before which I feel humble.

I am looking at myself,
The world is the reflection I see,
What do I mean by reflection you say?
I pay attention to my interests,
It is natural selection,
To focus on attention,
And create our own world,
For we cannot be conscious of every thing,
Our intention colours what we see,
For if our garden is full of weeds,
There will be no seeds,
No flowers of hope to grow,
For we cannot see the security in the trees,
For old growth,
Breathes new beginnings.

My eyes are closed,
So I can see,
For I see to look,
Into the world book,
For which there are no words,
But the passage of time,
Which breathes in my ear,
That there is no time but the present,
To waste this precious life,
In the drought of reason.

For my climate changes,
I feel the undercurrents,
I see past the media to unspoken words,
To the forgotten memory,
Of collective consciousness,
That has become unconscious,
It is universal and of value,
For I value the universe,
I see past the world,
And I remember what was lost.

For I am becoming clear,
I am losing my fear,
For I will face myself,
In other faces,
I will see myself in all races,
Before the arms race settles the score,
With scores to settle.

For energy needs oil,
For darkness needs lights,
To show another way,
For this is a dead end,
It is a blind alley,
Where those who look,
Cannot see,
For they are blinded by greed,
They are blinded by fear,
They are blinded by hate,
Before it’s too late,
It is time to tell the blind horseman,
On the blind horse,
That he is headed for the abyss.

In the distance,
I hear the clarion call,
It is the sound of voices singing,
It is the laughter of children,
It is the love of a parent,
Shining with pride,
At the golden moment of life,
The miracle of conception,
It is the magic in your eyes,
In the moment of connection.

For love answers my question,
It is the quest to love,
The light shines through your eyes,
And colours a new world,
Painting a new picture,
For across the landscape,
Of your mind,
Love is always blind,
For love is always kind,
Saving the world
just in time.

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Mohandas Gandhi

“Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.”
