Choosing Harmony Over Economy

I was watching the sub-titles of Parliament in session at a cafe. I noted the issues were the Carbon Tax and refugee detention, interesting grouping. Certainly not addressing climate changes creates more refugees it was Clinton who said of our policy here we are dealing with small numbers but in the future it will be hundreds of thousands fleeing from climate change.

I read the sub-titled rhetoric of abuse of one against the other. I kept thinking it is not worth responding to character assassination. Just don’t oppose, let them be what they think, I saw the mirror clearly. We believe we have to oppose another, but I believe just focus on who you are. Welcome difference by all means but abuse is not democracy it is designed to demonise the other and that is what happens in the bullying scenario. It is not an example we want children to follow. I would rather see healthy dialogue, differences and problem solving. I tried to create in my Children’s Parliament the process of participants working together to solve problems and create new opportunities. They would learn lateral thinking, conflict resolution and the universal values of REAL HOPES (responsibility, empathy, awareness, love, honesty, oneness, peace, enjoyment and service). If there is conflict, which is inevitable in diversity, it is embraced as helpful not opposed. Children simply discuss it and learn from the other (become empowered) as they are seeing differently, it is not personal it is creative.

Challenging thoughts and ideas are great for democracy and building new visions. Suppression of people’s opinions works against the true democracy that is constantly touted but seldom really understood. My acronym of ICE is to inspire, challenge and empower. To me this is the new democracy that promotes everyone’s interest, the true win win as we help each other to find our greatness, rather than competing to win so another loses. We all lose when one loses.

I am choosing harmony over competition and indeed choosing harmony as a life purpose over economy or the protestant work ethic. Work for the sake of money holds no happiness in the future.

It is interesting I find I am losing interest, I am not drawn to making money or participating in systems that just focus on money. I don’t mind working for the community, I don’t mind working for free, but I am not interested in being a nodding head doing as I am told for the sake of making money or ‘being seen to be’. I am looking for an oasis where I can be and learn to live in harmony with the planet.

I feel a deep love for life. I send that love to you and wish you happiness.

Here is a poem for you.


Globalisation for the common good,
Is an uncommon dialogue,
The arc of the covenant,
Saves the seed bank,
Under the permafrost of the arctic stores,
Yet the clock is ticking,
As time is running out,
iAs sands through the hour glass,
For this is not a race to reach the summit 1st,
It is a harmonic convergence that forms from sands in the shell,
For the shell is the ego,
The shell is the mask,
The shell is fear,
The shell is what we see as protection,
Yet in truth it is a boundary that limits growth,
From which we need to break free,
To allow the pearl,
Our true wealth,
To be shared.

What is the peal of which we speak?
It is wisdom,
It is acceptance,
It is dignity,
And inclusively,
Which shines and glitters as if brand new,
For freedoms are illuminating and unmistakable,
Universal truths are the foundation torch that lights the path in the middle of the darkest night,
For when travelling we must seek moderation,
Embrace Re-form-ation,
Provide full In-form-ation,
Pave the way to the change you wish to be,
As the course has another format,
We are no longer teaching as you and them,
But learning the meaning of life as we and us,
And each person no matter their profession,
A professor,
A blacksmith,
A clown no less,
Each is a student,
And this is the greatest humility for those
open to infinite possibilities,
Seeking new questions to old answers,
After the speeches are over.

The people of the book,
Follow the written word as gospel,
But each text forms a con-text,
And it is open to conversational interpretation,
But who has the right to throw the first stone,

When apostasy is on trial,
The guilty can be never proven innocent,
For the flame of blame imprisons Eve,
For she will taste fate,
For god’s will bends to the will of men,
As the infidel ity of rape,
Is a shame greater than death,
For the sanctity of marriage must never be defiled or defied,
By impurity.
In god’s name crimes are committed with impunity,
And this is the greatest impurity.

For it is the heart that feels real value,
The voice that speaks with peace,
The beliefs that action true comm-unity,
For this preserves the deepest purity,
As a service for the common good,
And this is the scripture worth reading,
For it is global without gold leaf,
It is universal as it teaches everyone by example,
For transcending religion is a shared platform of human in-sights,
And when one looks in the mirror for reflection,
What do you see?
The image of god?
Or a god with no image?
For love is formless,
There is no up or down from which to look,
For all is acceptable through the eyes of love,
Diversity within unity,
Darkness within light,
A visible spectrum of colours to white light,
For the rainbow is the symbol of real hope,
That the pot of gold is waiting to be found,
And this is the alchemy of self knowledge,
That is aware of cares,
That regards each as a potential friend,
That sees another as the self,
To reach out to make peace with a smile,
Is the holy grail,
That awaits those brave enough to sail
into unchartered gales of climate change,
For it is in new concepts of self and laws,
That true identity is found,
When we choose harmony over economy,
Friendship, commitment and truth over fears,
For tears are what move mountains of stone,
And diffuse rain shadows of conflicted States,
As the pen is mightier than the sword,
And for all to dance for peace,
Produces a rhythm of diverse harmonies,
That sing the same song but to a different drum.

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Mohandas Gandhi

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”
