A Right to Be Happy

Happiness, our birth right and sign we are in alignment with our truth. When you feel happy, treasure it, nothing more beautiful then yourself happy. Just think of others when they smile, so gorgeous. To me, everyone is beautiful in their own way. It is better to be happy then right. Think about it. Who is to say what is true when we really question that.


When I look into the eyes of a child,
I see the innocence,
Then I look into the eyes of an adult,
I see judgement,
The adult unlike the child has learned to distrust,
The adult sees what is wrong,
The child just lives in the moment,
The adult plans ahead,
The child just enjoys playing,
Yet the greatest loss is innocence,
Living with FEAR
is False Evidence Appearing Real.

The world is what you imagine you see,
As each person projects thoughts onto the face of the world,
Yet what if the world is innocent?
For people are seeing different versions,
They experience different realities,
They are setting different goals,
When these differences clash,
One seeks to find the other wrong,
To justify hurtful behaviour,
But in truth it is just difference,
There is no harm done,
And the challenge in life is to embrace differences with respect,
To communicate points of difference
With compassion and a calm heart,
To learn from the challenges,
They arise to test your integrity,
How you react defines who you think you are.

The work of peace is to find inner peace,
It is to become happy with one self,
It is to become responsible for ones thoughts, words and actions,
For the world is not to be blamed,
It is to seek the solution within yourself,
For only you know the truth of your intent,
Peace is not found in silence,
It is found in honesty and visibility.

Many people can look at the same situation
and see it differently,
Yet conflict often arises because one believes the other is wrong,
Is it better to seek truth or to be right?
Is it better to be right than happy?
For happiness is the middle path,
A non-violent path does not blame,
It seeks solutions to be fair and equal,
This is what it means to care.

When we find the middle path where would we be walking?
We would be walking in each others shoes,
Imaging the situation of the other,
Saying that person could be me,
If it was me what would I want?
If I was you what would you want?
If each person was able to do this then compromise is certain,
Peace becomes possible,
It is when we think we are right,
The other then must be wrong,
Yet each sees differently!
If we believe a problem is to be solved,
Then the focus is on finding a solution rather than focusing on the person as conflict,
To seek peace is to solve problems and learn from challenges as opportunities for change.

Life is a source of celebration,
For we do not live in hunger,
Nor do we fear death in a war zone,
We are free to live life fully,
We are safe from harm,
Yet we create harm and make it unsafe when our thoughts are negative and aggressive,
This is the war within,
That only stops when one reflects on peace.

The world is many flavours,
We each fit in this mosaic,
Together we sing to make music,
Each person is truly beautiful,
Especially when they smile,
To share fairly and calmly,
To speak from the heart without fear,
To learn to trust again,
For not everyone is a heartbreaker,
Not everyone is dishonest,
Most are genuine and true,
Many do make mistakes,
But who can be perfect,
Perfection is an impossible ideal,
Even nature is not perfect.

So why not relax the rules,
Do something that frees your spirit,
Let go of control allow others freedom,
No-one has the right to control life,
If you desire freedom and peace,
Then give it to others,
For we are same same but different,
And to share is to see we are not alone,
And what you give it comes back,
As the mirror of peace in friendship.

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Mohandas Gandhi

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
