Inequality – an Unquestioned Judgement

In truth inequality is not just a word it is the basis of all conflict in our world.  When you see and feel equality you actually see and feel fairness. Justice naturally arises not as a legal proposition but a resolution that is natural when we are aligned with inner values.

This poem I wrote as I have felt the hard edge of inequality directed silently and overtly at me given perceptions of status.  I don’t mind in retrospect as I am here to learn about truth and the illusion of who we think we are.

I send love to all people even those who see me as less, a threat, a problem or talking too much.  I can only be myself and at the end of the day I have to be at peace with me, no matter how others see.  I might add here (inspiration) we see as we are not as another is or another way of saying it.

You see as you are not as another is – all ways.  Remember that when you are quick to judge.  Projection is very subtle and our thoughts can appear true, but when they are negative or based in fear we are living in the illusion of egoic consciousness that is in its own survival. This consciousness permeates all of humanity.  In truth there are no new thoughts as this base form of consciousness is the human condition.  Imagine reaching for higher thoughts, questioning our thinking and practicing peace as unconditional love.  It can be hard to do but it is truly a practice. Fake it until you make it.


Inequality – an Unquestioned Judgement



This one word sums up all





Corruption …

As it seeks to regard another as somehow less,

To prove their way is best,

To clean up the mess,

For superiority and inferiority

Are mirrors of the same face,

One pretends they are worth more,

The other feels worth less,

Yet what if life is the test,

And equality the EQ worth striving for,

Perhaps this is the universal law,

Of happiness.


I have been perceived as of status,

I have been perceived as worthless,

I have had many homes,

I have been homeless,

Yet I am the same person,

The same face,

That others see differently,

Given their view of the world,

And I have learned to see that when a person is judged


The finger pointing or the voice gossiping,

Is the barb that hurts that never learns,

To embrace diversity as same same but different,

For it is not true to say that my way is the high way,

And yours the low road,

Nor mine the low road and yours the high way,

They are simply different ways,

But what if we end up at the same goal?

We rendezvous at the same destination?

What if it is the journey not the destination which in-forms


What if this is the purpose of every life?

To navigate the tough and easy terrain,

To feel the strain but to overcome the hardship,

To reach higher than what one thought,

To learn more than what one was taught,

To live in authenticity and values that serve,

Rather than pretension and judgement that excludes,

Imagine a world where we actually learn to work together in harmony,

That is my dream of peace,

Which can feel impossible in the face of


Mohandas Gandhi

“Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.”
