Is Less Profit a Loss? Is there More in Prophets?

I am going to just flow with some thoughts.  I am going to move through psychological mindsets.  This is not that polished but I just flowed.

When I contemplate those in fear of losing profits, I understand their fear as I have felt a deficit when on no income.  I can’t buy what I want (freedom).  I feel limited, I have to find other ways to gain food.  When I have money I can self determine what I want.  I don’t have to ask for help. I am self sufficient and society does not look down on me (discrimination).  I seek to find work (get a job) to not sponge off the system. I can be seen as a failure.  My identity is in ‘what I do’ not who I am.  I could lose friends as I have less, not so important.  I may have a family to support and again judgement is there, you have to look after your family.  Many pressures psychologically bear down on me to do as I am told.  To fit in.  To do the right thing.   If I am in a business then I have to find the money to pay for inventory, staff, materials, utilities, vehicles etc.  If the business fails then this reflects on me as a poor manager, not a success.   So I may try and get a loan to cover the gap (shortfall) or seek new markets, work really hard to make that happen.  What if this market has too many competitors, what if online retail is the preferred option for customers, what if there are future expenses I can’t meet given revenue is less than costs.  What can I do?  I don’t sleep much.  I become more harsh on staff and force them to work harder.  I lose key staff who don’t like the workplace anymore.  I sit in my office in despair.

As an interlude – it was a good experience to go through the loss of a employer and an employee.  I felt the despair and desperation of both.  This is the fear in a system that rewards winners and the losers and motivates people to either ‘make it work’ or ‘get a job’.  These are the psychological impulses of an economically designed system.  They are silent prompts but socially powerful.

Now I will step into another mindset, that sees the loss differently. I will start with the fear proposition.

I should get my business going.  Just follow my heart as that is the navigator.  I don’t feel to force myself to market my business.  I find myself drawn to nonproductive pursuits.  Go with the flow.  I don’t have income how will I eat.  Life will provide as does the natural world.  Life is abundant.  There is enough.  In fact I feel freedom in flowing (see above).  I am relaxed. I am having fun not knowing what is next (uncertainty).  I embrace that I do not know and this releases me from having to know what next.  Feelings can swing from research to business to income.  I watch the changing emotional array.  I notice I have no fear around no income.  I imagine sleeping on the street.  It connects me to those on the street.  They must be cold.  Could we help them?  Could I do anything given I know the uncertainty?  Love moves me to join with those who may believe they are less.  I know I am not less that my life feels abundant when I move beyond “should” or “shouldn’t” into “what is”.  Who is the I am that does not feel less, it comes from an innate awareness of equality, what is this? we are born equal – arms, legs, torso, head etc. Then belief patterns, webs of relationship patterns, education patterns, societal patterns. I formulate an image of myself and I act out of what I know, out of the pattern makers.  If you grew up with loving parents, you had most or all of your needs met, you would trust life. If you grew up in negativity, put downs, absent parents (emotionally), physically absent, ignored, not praised, blamed, abused – you would feel your life is worthless and you would feel powerless.

From powerlessness comes negative discord and this is the seed of violence that attacks (calls for help) against those who may hurt you, you scare away so you feel safe.  A person goes to jail to be punished rather than understand them in order to transform the negativity.  Wars become a daily storm as the person hates themselves (mirroring everyone who hates them), they project hatred, they feel powerless as their needs were not met so they attract more of this as it is the focus.  They are not good enough (jealous), they will never be anything, no-one will love them, they have to change but don’t know how as the neural networks pattern self defeating patterns.  These is why violence repeats. We never solved the emotional problem. This is why bigger wars start, we are quick to believe stories of enemies, we go into the past, we do what we’ve always done, we find more scary weapons to deter but if those weapons destroy the earth, then what? What if industries profit from killing? How do they maintain profits? What fears? Notice the economic cycle (patterns) of endless wars.  Yet imagine those who create these weapons are on the ground under their own bombs, imagine they realise gas is released near them, imagine they picked up a landmine, what if they were tortured, interrogated etc?  What if they experienced the outcome of their wars in the experience of pain, how would it change them? They would be one with the person on the ground. This is how we learn from experience not computer simulations. Similulations are 2 dimensional, life experience is multi-dimensional.  Life was meant to be the training ground to discover our potential, to build empathy and experience relationships with others.  Awareness informs. The masculine predominantly wants to dominate and the feminine predominantly wants to balance.  Together dynamics are balanced, apart imbalance.

So I return to this moment (breathing, the now) I have everything I could possibly need.  The fridge is full.  Someone took me for dinner last night.  Am I a bludger? No as no-one need help me.  Can I endure no food or no accommodation? Could I relax into this and allow it without fear?  Or move through the fear of starvation (ancient fear in DNA)?  Can I find peace with no status?  What if living in the moment is just life living?  For me status doesn’t exist as I am not in the circles where it appears to matter.  People accord education as status or professional work as status, but when you move between the lines there is no status and there is no deficit.  I am being .  I don’t hear my name as I am alone.  I don’t have a role as I am just reponding to demand (needs) and supply (food), there is no price mechanism as I have no money.  I have to turn to the power of the universe to supply my needs as I can’t make it happen.  Spirituality arises, that is, a connection to the unseen.  I have interesting moments of meeting people who are questioning life, strange things happened to them, we meet at random, no plan but just a quick chat and recognition.  I realise the transformation of the planet is real and I have many confirmations.  I recognise this is much bigger than me.  That it is a rising awareness that the world must change.  It is arising in ordinary people who do not know each other but know instinctively the current system doesn’t work.  I feel peace in that as I know there is nothing for me to do, as doing is not being.  Being is allowing.  It is the reclining Buddha as I said in my video.  Would it be the case of me starting a movement or is it a movement that is moving me.  The movement is in consciousness not ‘a person’.  It is like the seed germinating with the sunlight, it just knows to grow.  I feel this incredible love within.  It is like being ‘in love’.  It is like I am not alone yet clearly I am sitting alone.  Yet there is a grounded feeling in this aloneness.  I can look at my beliefs, my irritations, my ups and downs with more clarity.  I can’t blame anyone.  There is no partner or children to say ‘you are holding me back’, ‘you don’t do what I want’.  All little techniques to divert responsibility from self of one’s own happiness.  Do material things make me happy.  I would say I am realising that they don’t, they come and go.  If I don’t attach to them, then I can give it away.  I realise giving feels 100 fold better than taking.  My true nature is to give as is all nature.  This can be seen in the feminine who demonstrates through receptive awareness of the needs of others.  I feel myself deeply a mirror.  I can’t hate anyone as I know each are on their path.  What do I know (humility) about the purpose of anothers life?  Maybe they are meant to go through hardship, what if they designed their life to have these battles, that doesn’t mean I won’t help them, I will.  But I won’t feel sympathy, I may feel empathy but I know we are in separate bodies so they go through what they go through and it is not for me to join them in misery.  Much of this echos in my heart from Byron Katie as I recognised the truth.  Some don’t like her, hate her voice, I find I feel the feather of truth for me.  Are other’s wrong? it is not for me to say they are free to choose what they feel, not right or wrong just honour that is their perspective.  Maybe I am mistaken, yet it is peaceful, it feels right for me.  So it is not about evangelising or getting the message out as I found it myself, hardship brought it to me as I questioned for truth.  It was truth that brought me to this reality of trust.  It feels really beautiful to have no responsibility other than to write when I feel. To move past apprehension and just do it (mindful of no harm) as love is my navigator not a business plan or others opinions.  Does this make me a rebel? no, I am not rebelling against my true nature.  I am just speaking up in freedom which is the mirror of democracy.   I have found less is more as I identify with life not things so much.  It seems a risk but I can’t know that.  Things keep turning up.  Money comes just enough.  Is that magic or life as a conscious experience?  It is like being quiet after all the noise to just feel your life?  To know you never failed.  To know you are where you need to be.  To not feel guilt for the past (it is over).  To learn to honour your needs.  To give yourself freedom not take another’s.  To be the source of your own happiness rather than taking from others or forming contracts (love until death, not possible).  To understand you created your life as you believed your thoughts, some very deeply buried and anyone who went against this you saw as an enemy.  They never were.  Perhaps there was something that needed to play out, there was something for you to learn from the experience.  What if every enemy spiritually was the one who loved you the mos?.  What if they chose to play a part in a play?  Even if you don’t believe this just sit with a proposition without attachment.  Just accept it as part of the diversity that is in front of you now.  You reading this is no mistake, what if you brought yourself to me in this way?  What were you seeking to learn from me?  What am I learning from all the visits to my website? What has drawn us – jobs, resonances, fears, chance?  Whatever it is, it is no mistake and you are most definitely the creator of your reality.  You decide what it means.

So there is no loss only infinite possibility.  Those you think are dangerous, turn it around, maybe your thoughts are dangerous, then you create the story of an enemy and then an action takes place, that is why the planet is in perpetual wars, not only through militaries, militias or civilian resistance but in each person they are fighting wars believing what they believe without silently questioning what they fear, where they hurt, what they believe and where this all came from.  When you are really still you see your parents, your family, incidents in your life that you blocked and suppressed and then over time built up as a wall.  We became fearful of letting others in, letting go and keeping busy so we don’t have to feel the emptiness. I understand.  I know how hard it is.  I wanted to end my life.  I went there many times in my own inner turmoil as I was deeply hurt by the lack of care of others.  I would never do to them what I felt was done to me.  However, I return to my knowing they they are my teachers and I honour them, each one.  I hate no-one.  I saw where the pain took me ‘to know myself and be true’.  There is no greater gift.  To become homeless, to go off income as it was the systemic corruption that I couldn’t participate in, I don’t hate them, I understand that they are lost in belief systems that disconnect them from others.  They see people as numbers on balance sheets, not a universe in every face.  Philosophers see the universe. Bureaucrats see the analysis, the report, the budget – they lost touch with the humanity that is within them, therefore they see it as unreal.  I get that.  So I keep communicating my truth as I feel moved.  Is it the whole truth? I don’t know.  I just know it feels good.  I know I feel love for the other reading this, I don’t even know the person.  Yet I know we are connected somehow.  That feel’s good.

I send you love, peace and self awareness in the spirit of happiness that is always waiting for you to reclaim it as your life.   I love everyone. I know they do their best, it matters not to me their crimes, beneath all of that is that child that learned its life from the world.  Maybe one day I can take the hand of that child and take the child to the mirror to show them how beautiful they truly are.  When they see this, all violence disappears as if it never existed.  This is the transformation that is here.  You are that child.  I am that child.  We are ONE.


Mohandas Gandhi

“If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.”
