The Investigation of Inspector Clouseau (Clueso): This Dog Bites

I love this and dedicate it to the Inspector Clouseau’s out there investigating away happily.  

It is all about asking the right questions.  Will surveillance bring up the right questions or do we try and confirm what we believe?  That is the difference between investigation to uncover the truth and investigation based on beliefs (unquestioned).  He did not ask is this your dog?  Does this dog bite?  He just asked ‘does your dog bite’. He answered literally.  I love that.

There is a wise cartoon that has a sign on the fence it says ‘this dog bites’.  The person goes in without seeing the sign and get’s bitten.  The dog has bitten the person.  If the person, knowing the sign on the gate, goes in again and gets bitten, the person has bitten themselves.  So this is the circular nature of intent.  If you ignore the signs, if you ignore the truth you will be bitten again and again believing the dog did it.  In truth you did it to you. The same applies to protecting interests, reputations, setting people up, dishonesty, seeing enemies etc.  All the same thing when the intent is to hurt or harm another. These are universal laws I am referring to, not anything else.  We all get to choose what we are here to learn.

Are you an Inspector Clueso?  He probably would bite the dog to teach it a lesson. That is how retribution or vilificaiton works.  Does the dog learn not to bite, no – it becomes more aggressive, this is escalation not de-escalation.  I watch with fascination how so few know how to resolve a conflict. They keep expanding it as they focus on it, look for clues on how to mitigate the risk but don’t think how to resolve the real problem.  This is a lesson in all unresolved conflicts where people seek power over not power within.

Here is the fun video:



Mohandas Gandhi

“God has no religion”
