Economic Collapse Blows the Bubble

I now understand why fascism is on the rise. Yet that will not solve the problem of collapse.  We need to move in the opposite direction of building community, self reliance, ecological balance, social responsibility and unplugging from the IT which is the real cone of silence (bubble). As each person lives in silos of cyber reality which, like debt, is an illusion of the real world.

Does the economics of greed serve the public interest?

Greed reflects inner imbalance.  It is the outer projection of our emptiness.  Until we look at our issues, our emotional needs, our social constructs and the philosophy of who we are, this scenario continues. It is the greed that is the real issue in the system.  We want more and more and are rewarded but on borrowed money and borrowed time.

You can review this analysis:



Mohandas Gandhi

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”
