Strongest Solar Flare in 11 Years and Woman in Space


This video speaks about women in space, biological impacts in space, solar flares and possible cancer treatment.

The solar flares impact the earths magnetic field.  They are measured in respect of strength.  In September the solar flare was recorded as x 9.3.  Activity gets high and low.  It is moving towards low magnetic field strength.  This provides insights into the possible of a pole shift.

It is good to have a female commentator and astronaut as we start to embrace the feminine as she is. This will usher in homeostasis in human relations when we embrace all differences.  Unity consciousness will change the planetary systems as we recalibrate to oneness with life and each other.  The gender balance has a deeper story.

Mohandas Gandhi

“Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.”
