Is Our Social Fabric Unravelling?

We are always at choice to change the big picture, it will be a decision to learn to see differently. Where there is life there is real hope!


I feel myself a thread in the cosmic fabric,
Unravelling beliefs,
For I know the pattern maker,
I know the ultimate design,
I know the real meaning in tapestry,
For I am a weaver of words,
I am a weaver of emotions,
I am a thread in an ancient lattice,
That has the pattern of a snowflake,
For this is the geometry of uniqueness,
For not one snowflake is the same as another,
Yet each are fabricated from the same source,
Crafted from icicles, wind and rain gently shape shifting,
As a carpet of snow rests as sweet ice-cream
settling on hedges, roofs and meadows as the landscape transforms,
Insulating the earth and allowing rest,
For life’s patterns are designed with the whole in mind,
It is not influenced by profit,
It is not cultivated by ambition,
It is not seeking to be greater than,
It is the pattern maker that weaves the pattern of love,
Into the DNA of true peace.

Our social fabric is unravelling,
For the pattern makers have no idea of the big picture,
They thread the tapestry with gold threads,
Oscillating supply and demand,
Trying to find the gold leaf in the weave,
To sell to the highest bidder,
To feel bigger than Ben Hur,
Yet they have never heard of homeostasis,
On the only loom that looms larger than life,
For this is the equality tone with depth and breadth,
It is the breath of fresh air that circulates renewable designs,
That were never for sale.

The social fabric is held together by the love of family,
By the mother and father in unity,
By the family nestled in community,
As all commune about life and love,
Coming together in celebration,
Remembering that life is meant to be easy,
To be happy,
To flow and to grow,
It was never meant to be a battle of survival,
Endless bills to be paid,
It was to allow the ebb and flow of life,
Like gentle waters lapping at your feet,
As your face feels the warmth of sunlight,
As health was the wealth worth living for,
And the earth never toiled but flowers simply spun and opened,
Spiders weaved dream catcher webs waving to catch the breeze,
Bee’s found landing strips on flowers of delectable fragrance,
As life was always a romance of giving and taking,
For equilibrium is the real dance of harmony in making,
Humming aliveness silently in the background,
As a background white noise cherishes great comfort,
For to hear the birds chirping in the morning is to awaken,
To listen to the saccades rattling and chiming at dusk is to rest,
To trust the rhythms of nature as the true life pattern weaving,
Governing the rising sun and moon,
Recharging the free electrical grid and maintaining the sanity of gravity,
Holding life in place on a planet spinning easily around the central sun,
For this is the fun of the greatest tapestry ever begun,
That we can never emulate in motion pictures,
For life is an orchestra of celestial voices harmonising,
Whose frequency is well above the audible range,
Yet strangely we are swaying to this breeze as we come of age,
As if held in the arms of silent angels whispering songlines,
Singing gently of the music of the spheres,
Perhaps this is the sound of one hand clapping,
For movements in moments awaken time and space,
To a new story,
A new social fabric,
That is not woven for greed,
But planting the seed of a new pattern,
That ensures every thread is equal length,
Every colour blends perfectly,
That all threads are held together tightly in love,
For this is the gold leaf that has the highest value,
On the tree of a magnificent life,
For the tree of life is the seed of love,
Growing and allowing the pattern to simply repeat infinitem,
For this is the efficiency of letting go,
This is the higher knowledge that truly knows,
That we are the thread not the pattern maker,
And to allow the pattern to formulate itself from the finest thread,
Is to find belonging is the grandest taste,
Of freedom.

For this is the big picture created beyond space and time,
That turns water into wine,
As the elixir of a renewable life,
That starts in time and ends in time,
But never stops pattern making,
For that is the purpose of eternal life.

Mohandas Gandhi

“Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.”
