Ancient Pre-texts Discovering Joy as the Elixer of LIfe


Before texts there was joy.    Something to ponder.



Happiness is our true nature,

It is a right that is inalienable,

It is what gives life its meaning,

As we are meaning to give to life,

It can never be found in taking,

For real wealth is discovered in generosity,

When one sees themselves in the other,

And all work for the greater good of life on earth.


Random acts of kindness, pay it forward and free hugs,

Progressively move the masses towards unity,

When people realise compassion in giving without expectation of return,

For this can never be learned in business schools of profit,

Only the prophets know of the ancient mystery schools where all profit,

From the mystery.


The real wealth in life resides around the fire of transformative experience,

Riding a camel circumventing the base of Giza’s geometric Pyramids
remembering Orion,

Visiting Machu Picchu in Peru and learning that perfect structures
require no mortar,

Understanding that civilisation is cultivated by ritual, spirituality and equality within city states which
require no re-enforcement,

Returning to the humility of mystery as the shadowy serpent appears every solstice descending the pyramid of Chichen Itza observing familiar constellations of Venus and the Pleiades
as the only movements across time,

Learning lines of mathematical astronomical calendars on walls predicting possible futures,

Traversing the Orkney Islands awash by the wild North sea and Atlantic crossing,

Neolithic henges, stone circles, villages and remnants of a stone age people living in communes,

Gathering around fires with songs and stories of magic huddled from winds whistling familiar tunes,

Today they are tombs where magic is mythology and tourism recites the reasons without rhymes.


I walk back through the time tunnel of his story up the steppes of ancient pre-texts,

Gaining higher perspectives to reflect, resurface insights into the plight of our humanity,

I look down at the valley of death in the 21st century to see the insanity of unfettered greed  as the non-renewable seed terminates,

The blind movement of the masses heads towards the abyss,

Is it too late?


Most are unaware of the special relativity of critical mass,

to re-discover …

E = mc2

As energy becomes unequal to mass,

Critical mass becomes the tipping point,

Of great change.


To recover …

E= m x c² is 10⁹⁴ gram/cm³

Zero point energy is the re-new-able common era,

Sustaining all life as the sum of the parts becomes whole.


We are each other’s keepers,

We are the mirrors of consciousness reflecting facets,

Distorted images or clear as crystal?

We can either bend with time or end time,

As the surreal becomes real,

Metaphor becomes the in-sight of deeper meaning and awareness,

And as we discover our truths we become freed from prisons
that bind all progressive movements,

To sip the finest wines as the elixir of a renewed life,

Turing wine into water by reverse osmosis,

The philosopher’s stone engraves ancient memories of infinite possibilities,

As happiness turns all reason into the rhyme,

To find the flow of spiral universes open up,

To live, laugh and love as en-joy-ment,

Drinking in the elixir of a meaningful life.

Mohandas Gandhi

“Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.”
