In-to-me-see (intimacy) Is The Real Courage of Life

I felt inspired to write this to a friends son. It is for every son and daughter. No-one fails potential possibilities are always there. We as adults consider being gentle with young people, make room for their mistakes, for their immaturity and when they appear to be lost, they are learning.

We can often judge young men, but they are trying to find their manhood, and there are few role models around to show them how to connect to that nonviolently and through inner values of integrity, honesty and truthfulness. For the fathers reading this – be the best role model you can for your son (or daughter), they look to you to show them the way in life through your example. When you swear, sit down in front of television ignoring them, or making negative comments about life they learn that life is unhappiness. Consider not controlling them but becoming a guide in their lives, rather than telling them what you think they should do ask them questions about what they think. If there is violence on television ask them – what do you think of that? is there another way? That empowers them to think about life more critically to come up with their own answers, ask them how they feel? they then can access their hearts which is the true navigation in life. We often discount our intuitive feelings or our emotional responses, yet the heart knows the truth, all ways. Each person must choose and walk their own path.

As for girls, find good role models and live a life full of adventure and excitement. Girls are not fragile nor about being beautiful, your beauty is in your small acts of kindness. I remember walking along a street in Alexandra, Egypt with a young Egyptian girl, she wanted to live life to the fullest, she wanted to travel. I encouraged her to follow her heart in life. There is no hurry for marriage and children.

I myself never had children (none that I know of ha ha) and I have never felt incomplete. I decided to work for the children of the world as a peace clown. I never regret following my heart, living out of a suitcase, having no home, for I found the source of love and life and I cannot communicate the joy of this awareness. Life is not what you think, it guides you through what you feel, true happiness is the result of following your truth and feeling gratitude even if that means washing dishes or doing the lowest job, do it with joy. I have done it. I know there is a gift waiting for you, all ways.

I send peace to you.


Life is a smorgasboard,
For some it is ala carte,
Some seek fast foods,
Others seek the experience of being seen,
As if in a dream.

The genuine article,
Is never found in the public media,
It is found in the small moments of intimacy,
That is in-to-me-see,
This is the real courage of life,
Which will never be found in war zones,
Or the drug trade,
Or in temporary entertainments.

Life begins when we accept who we are,
When we live a life to be true to ourselves,
For there is no one greater than you,
No one lesser,
You are a miracle,
As you are breathing,
And all who come into your presence will learn,
All who come into your presence bring a gift,
For there are no coincidences in the universe.

I felt inspired to write this poem for you,
As I must leave,
It was a pleasure to meet you,
On the eve of new beginnings,
Wash dishes with love,
Wash feet with joy,
Find the greatest gifts are in the smallest acts,
And you will know the happiness,
All are seeking.

Remember it is to respond to life,
Never react,
That is to re-act again,
For your journey is unique,
As every footstep is an impression,
A surrealist work of art in the sands of your thoughts,
Each step takes you to where you need to be,
To what you need to see.

No matter how trivial,
No matter how insignificant,
It is a path all are travelling,
Make the most of this journey for it is short,
Bring your beauty to every moment,
Let yourself shine,
For you can never fail,
You have never failed,
For every life is a sweet tale,
Waiting to be told,
I look forward to reading yours
In the future,
Of your dreams,
May they come true far beyond
your expectations,
As you let go into the full experience of who you are.

Peace to you

Mohandas Gandhi

“If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.”
