REAL HOPES is the Rainbow of a Peace Fool





What is peace?

This question awakened in my heart,

As a dream,

As I sought to teach what I must learn,

As I burn,

To enlighten,

Every candle of truth.


From the rain of my confusion,

I felt the sunlight awaken the rainbow as REAL HOPES,

I saw the colours of virtues as a sign on the horizon of humanity,

Appearing separate yet a kaleidoscope outpicturing from the one light,

Reminding me that peace gives REAL HOPES in …


Responsibility – each has the ability to respond that you can do something,

Empathy – to see ourselves in each other and stand in another’s shoes with real feeling,

Awareness – to live in the moment aware and awakened to wisdom,

Love – to love unconditionally as if you were me so we can see together,

Honesty – to speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth,

Oneness – to know we breathe the same air, we are from the same family, we are one in life,

Peace – to find balance in the yin and yang of life, that life is change and peace balances opposites,

Enjoyment – to find joy in happiness as what we give to another returns to the self,

Service – to integrate all virtues is to naturally serve others as yourself,

For the pot of gold waits for those seeking REAL HOPES at the end of every rainbow.


Yet I am the Fool,

Many smile and laugh at my dreams,

Yet they do not believe in me,

As I step off the cliff many times to prove that the impossible is possible,

That I have journeyed the road less travelled,

I look at the fool’s gold (virtues) in my knapsack,

To find in the eyes of society it is worthless,

Yet it is the greatest value I can offer for free,

As success is only merited with gold that can be seen,

For no-one is prepared to take a risk for genuine peace,

Yet I have risked all to be prepared for peace.


I question…

How can one overcome fear unless it is faced?

How can one find inner wealth with a steady income?

How can you learn trust without taking a risk?

How can you speak truth if you are not visible in all interactions?

How can you live in equality when there is status?

For peace resides not in lengthy speeches but in the moment of truth,

When we drop all covers to reveal our nakedness in vulnerability,

For we can be thought of as a fool,

And for many that is the greatest fear,

Yet in the moment of truth we see ourselves in each other,

Realising degrees of freedom leads us all home to true peace.


In Hawaii aloha means…

Affection, peace, compassion and mercy,

For as I follow the path of Huna,

I learn the way of love and life,

For I must return to my true nature,

Which is one with all life,

For when I see your pain,

It is my pain,

When I see your joy,

It is my joy,

And this is the happy/sad clown creed,

For I take from life only what I need,

For I choose not to live in greed,

As my planet is dying,

I am dying,

To live.


Thank you for the part you played in my life,

For REAL HOPES is not a dream to me,

It is the future and it is on the horizon,

It is the rainbow that gives me real hope to not give up,

Even when all seems lost,

For this is the cost of peace,

I will dearly pay

with a fools gold.




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Mohandas Gandhi

“Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.”
