When In Fear Believe In Peace

This song deeply inspires me. I see the power of fear where it creates division or an enemy. If you can transmute your fear of the ‘other’ and find the love within yourself, your world changes. I feel it is to believe in a higher truth, a higher love and that is the place where peace shines. For when truth and love is present division disolves and unity opens like the flower responding to the bright sunlight. So if you feel pain arising it means you are out of alignment with what is true for you. When you are in harmony with yourself you feel happiness. Our true nature always points us to truth as it feels good.

World peace does not exist in our thoughts, our theories or dogmas, it exists in how we feel, in the higher states of consciousness where love is the predominant feeling rather than being right or seeing what is wrong. Love is a place where all win.

I honour each person I meet. I see great potential in people and believe we can all move the mountains of our own creation. To believe in miracles opens a door to what we don’t know. Life is full of surprises and all that comes to us, in my view, is in our highest good. Even if you can simply reflect on what you learned about yourself. The event may appear not good but the lessons learned or remembered is what leads us all to wisdom. I can trust life and love. It is a miracle to even be here.

In times of fear just fill your hearts with love then peace in this world is assured. For as we love our minds open fully to embrace all that is in our life. For life is diversity and diversity is the way of it. When we love ourselves and others there is a profound feeling of gratitude for this incredible life. It is the moment of realisation that changes the way you see life.

Peace is not an ideal it is, in my view, our destiny. I completely believe in miracles.

Enjoy Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey ‘When You Believe’.

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Mohandas Gandhi

“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”
