What is True Forgiveness?


Understanding these things, then, let us look more closely at forgiveness. How does it work? What really occurs when you forgive? You are a conduit of energy. To the degree that the conduit is in perfect working order, the energy can flow so radiantly that the conduit actually becomes transparent. That is, it no longer blocks. There is no barrier or limit to the Light. When you judge, it is as though you contracted, you made the walls of the conduit smaller, just like building up rust in your pipes. And the flow becomes less and less. As you forgive judgments, it is as though the rust in the pipes were dissolving. It is as though the walls of the pipe, that are carrying the liquid of God’s Love, begin to expand and become thinner and thinner and more transparent. Judgment is contraction. Forgiveness is relaxation, and peace, and trust, and faith.

Forgiveness allows the spaciousness within your consciousness to grow. For when you look upon the thief that has broken into your home and say, “I forgive you,” you are decreeing the opposite of what you’ve learned. You are decreeing that nothing can be taken from you of any value. You are decreeing that judgment is the opposite of what you want, and it will cause you to feel the opposite of how you want to feel. You are decreeing your power to perceive differently. You are, therefore, healing yourself.

And if you ever want to come home, you’re going to have to become very, very divinely selfish. You’re going to have to become so selfish that you will not tolerate judgment in yourself – of anyone or anything. Because you will begin to recognize that every little act catapults you to the other side of the Universe from where you want to be. It causes the very cellular structure (if you could see this, you would never judge again) . . . when you judge, even the cells of your body go crazy. They vibrate in a completely dissonant way. And there is contraction. The fluids do not move through the cells. The nutrients do not become transported or delivered to the cells. The waste matter isn’t processed properly. Everything gets clogged up, and there is dis-ease.

Therefore, beloved friends, understand well that judgment is not something to take lightly. Should you, then, judge yourself if you’ve noticed you’ve been in judgment? No. That’s a judgment in itself. Only Love can heal. Therefore, when you know you’ve judged, go,

Ah, yes! That’s that energy.

I recognise that cloud that has just passed

through the field of my awareness.

But, I can choose again.

So, how does this work? If in your “ordinary” daily life – that we now know is not ordinary at all – if you detect that you have been in judgment of someone or some thing, recognize that that judgment is still with you. It’s a present thing, even though you may have enacted it five minutes ago, or fifty-five years ago, or ten lifetimes ago. When you notice it, or bring awareness to it, you have made it a very present thing. So it’s right there in front of you to be undone. And that’s what you need to focus on:

I’m going to choose again.

Know you the experience of looking back in your life, and suddenly seeing a scene in which now you know you behaved selfishly from ego; that you were manipulative or cunning or hurtful? Or you recognize,

My God, I was really in judgment of that person.

Ah! Ooo!

If only I could go back and undo it.

Know you that feeling? I say unto you, you can, because everything is present. There is no such thing as past and future, there is only now. So when you have that thought or that memory, it’s coming to you for a very specific reason. As a soul, you are learning about forgiveness and how to undo the effects of your previous choices. And so, it is being presented to you, yet again, that you might make a new choice.

So when that old memory comes, stay with it. Look at it. Recognize how judgment worked at that time. And then say to that person and or that event,

I judge you not.

I extend forgiveness to myself for what I have created.

I embrace you, and I love you.

And I free you to be yourself.

And I bless you with the Blessing of Christ.

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Mohandas Gandhi

“Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.”
