Eckhart Tolle: Finding Purpose in the Present Moment

What I love about Eckhart Tolle is the peacefulness in which he speaks. To focus on the breath to bring people into the moment. So many of us are thinking of the past or the future but seldom do we return to the moment. This is the moment of no thought. Creativity can give you a sense of no mind. That of course is our real self, the world we create around ourselves is the Mind thinking.

So here is a wonderful video to help you to find your life’s purpose. For those of you who feel impatient I’d ask you to give it time and suspend judgement. A bit like juggling with the balls up in the air. You will get a lot from this if you are open.

So this is not food for thought it is about the water of no thought. Can you imagine stillness?

Is purpose in your future? Is there success or failure? Perhaps there is another form of purpose that you may not be aware of. The primary purpose is to do with realising what the purpose is without time … he will explain what that means.

May it bring great peace to your life. Peace is here and now. That is my joy. Let’s en-joy together.

It seems as though the videos I keep posting are removed.  I find that interesting. Below these two is a video.  Let’s see how long it remains.  I feel peaceful and patient.

The video below appears to have been removed go to if it is a little slow just move it along.  You can practice being still whilst you wait. I will past this one again, for the fun of it.


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Mohandas Gandhi

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”
