The Future Looks Back to See Why The World Collapsed

I wonder what our world will look like from the future. How we will be seen by future generations. Whether we were able to respond to the times we are in, and if so, what we will learn and who we will become. Imagination is a beautiful bird upon which to fly high.



I am in the future looking back,
The fire of my inquiry re-members the embers,
What burns and what doesn’t?
Why the world changed,
My world.

The grandchildren watch me wide eyed,
As if I am a relic from another planet,
Who lived through the great awakening,
As many world’s were shaking,
As veils came off,
Every heart was aching for change,
And it was a wish granted.

The rise and fall of an industrial age,
Moved humanity,
From market based social structures to economies of vast scale,
From plots to broad scale agriculture,
From campfires to massive electrical grids emitting electromagnetic pulses,
Yet many did not have the finger on the pulse,
As humanity was in a critical condition,
As greed was the seed that had been planted,
And it was this that produced the rotting fruit.

In this world winners were grinners,
And losers discarded on the margins,
Only those who can afford the lifestyle of kings,
Can have it,
As power and control appeared shiny like gold,
Those who can’t were the slum dog millionaires,
In waiting,
Surviving on the crumbs,
To find in the end the gold standard
was the mirage of a fool’s gold.

Great stock was placed on energy,
As energy produced greater stock,
It was an asymmetrical stock exchange,
As the few became super rich,
Manufacturing demand without understanding,
Was the grandstanding view of the new world order,
Yet it was the scaffolding that was unstable,
There was chaos inherent in the structure,
A deck of cards in search of the winning hand,
Yet they were stacked precariously,
For the house of cards was dwelling on the sub-prime,
Falling as a domino effect,
As the butterfly flaps,
Triggered by excessive credit,
Driven by the greed of fuelling inflated needs,
In fear of losing.

It was an unreal economy,
Not grounded in serving community,
Unable to reach for the unity of the commons,
Floundering in balance sheets,
That never balanced with our true nature,
Unaware of the one life circulatory system,
As bounty was extracted, reformed, printed to control the game,
Gambling in the Casino of the stock exchange,
Was the name game,
As greed was good and Robin Hood was not a merry man,
Greed was the unseen contagion capturing the hearts of millions,
In search of instant gratification that ‘feels good’,
Seducing lonely hearts clubs parading as success,
And living like kings,
To fill the gap that knew not the beauty in innocence,
Sitting back in satisfaction they looked over their smoke stacks,
And threw the chips down,
As the inheritance was gambled away
as one’s right in free enterprise,
for free enterprise was an unquestioned right,
Mother earth lay groaning under the excessive weight,
As carbon sinks were chopped down,
The world cake was carved up,
Ice melted as there was no more icing on top,
To find waves streaming into lakes then flood pans of debris,
As if crying and blocked,
Terra was dying and shocked,
Bursting her banks,
As the bubble had burst,
To find you can’t eat money.

This time humanity arose,
As the rose surrounded by thorns,
As they knew the writing was on the walls on the street,
They formed collectives,
Community cooperatives,
Alternating currencies,
They self-regulated self-sufficiency,
Local Government created allotments and free rides,
For investments were not worth the paper trail,
Sustainability was not just recycling they surmised,
They realised the puzzle was to find our true nature,
Living in harmony,
To respect the planet as our birth mother,
For this is the real bounty they had forgotten,
Many indigenous had lived beyond our dreams,
Yet within their means,
For they were not mean,
For they had seen the dreamtime calling for respect,
Yet they were seen as failures in a system slowly failing,
From neglect.

The great awakening showed…
A lazy society uses little energy to work efficiently,
Nature does not work it flows,
For all parts are spirals supplying the whole,
Humanity saw itself in others on reflection,
Discovering universal values were inherent and inalienable,
Virtues flow they do not block,
For nature is the one system,
It is a closed system open to change.

Humanity found its wisdom in balancing yin and yang,
For balance was allowance, joy and enthusiasm,
Freedom was in non resistance, non judgement and non attachment,
For adaptation to change was not rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic,
Or a competition for recognition,
But a titanic effort to unlearn past despairs,
To share what is fair,
As the new paradigm shifted gears,
Love became successive,
Ego as regressive,
Selflessness flowing as an inner knowing,
Pre-serving the real wealth that is unseen,
Planting the seed as sufficiency is ‘being’,
An optimum self-regulating cycle,
Organic reorganisation,
For in a healthy human community of shared interests
There is no greed,
Only good seeds planted in harmony with the celestial bodies,
And family the bouquet blooming in radiance,
This is the romance life supports,
Geometric symmetry purports,
Deeds in unison with universal creeds,
For the human community mirrors the unity of the commons,
A cosmos of interconnecting clusters,
As humanity naturally returns to first principles,
On time.

Retrospectively we were able to see then look,
At our folly,
At our competition,
At our cruelty in self-serving,
To realise serving the self was the mantra of this civilisation,
A course this is not in harmony with our true nature,
A rote education that socialised greed as good,
That is why many were depressed,
Many felt suppressed,
For they were not expressing their true inheritance,
For the purpose of this life is happiness not abundance,
And karma operates on ‘what goes around comes around’,
This is a universal law that does not allow objections,
As natural justice is fairness naturally seeking the middle ground,
And this can only be found
in unity.

After the fall of Adam,
We saw the eve of a new world,
One much kinder,
As we learned to live in cycles not squares,
We replanted a new future,
Using low energy technologies,
Celebrating the freedom that had come,
For we sang an un-chained melody,
In concordance with universal rhythms,
To find the true power lay within the heart,
And this linked to universal intelligence,
To re-balance the heart and the head became the new teaching,
To value the earth as thy self and be true,
Was the wholeness that became holy,
We were able to see roles fall away,
As our true nature grew from a magnificent spring,
Turning into an ocean current
moving as one in harmony,
On to a new earth.


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Mohandas Gandhi

“Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.”
