UN Global Compact

This information is from the UN Global Compact.  It appears about corporate sustainability.  Is corporate sustainability the core issue or is it planetary ecological homeostasis the real goal?  

There is discussion of working with government and civil society but in my view it must be equal partnership and balanced.  As governments become corporate where does this leave the billions around the world who are not corporate? They do not even understand the language!

The corruption and government/business interface is problematic for civil society as governments feel they work for industry interests given economic growth as national priorities in the context of ecological collapse.  Many feel their interests are not being served as they become more and more marginalised.  it appears a world fit for corporates but not citizens.  We have seen a significant change in our planet and cultures.  We have to confront the IT industry that is becoming more and more intrusive.  The Smart Cities technologies filming us wherever we go, our privacy is nearly gone.  

Do people really care about civil society when they do not engage personally with their society as business and status dominates business life and at the same time earth systems are collapsing.  Can we continue with this business model when it is clearly not sustainable as greed replaces balanced need?  The fundamentals of an economic system that does not work in harmony with nature has not been addressed nor in respect of the power elite’s over many powerful institutions. Their wealth that dwarfs not only country’s budgets but the majority of nations and people. We are looking at major inequality in service to business goals and a focus on corporate sustainability.

How is it possible to have an independent/sovereign voice freed from the fear of retribution when people are very dependent on the system not their own nature and wisdom?

Perhaps that is the critical issue that probably will not be raised in any forums.

Something to consider if we are seriously working together for the world we ALL want.

I am very open to working with others but it must be equal and transparent if it is going to achieve real peace and ecological balance.


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