Do you Choose the Algorithm or Al Gore Rhythm?
I wrote the poem this morning after the video I felt to record the night before. I realised they connected. I have published the video and will attach this poem. I will post a key scene from the movie Titanic and under that the film by Al Gore – An Inconvenient Truth. For when truth is inconvenient that is when people like myself are threatened. Yet there is nothing to fear but fear itself and perhaps in moments of crisis real courage reveals itself in moments of great sacrifice. Is it better to survive with guilt or die knowing you did your best. I made my choice.
I will post this scene from the movie as it depicts someone caring enough to follow her heart and him inturn showing another the experience of real freedom ‘we can fly’. I know this feeling as I followed love and became what I was seeking. Imagine if we can do this for each other, it is the full expression of love living.
This is the scene I liked, both men love her and try to save her. For when we feel love we value others. When we don’t we let them sink. Sadly the rivalry of the industrialist and his ego was what lost what he most desired. He couldn’t see past his inflated self worth. The belief in economic scarcity is the poverty of humanity that has never been the real wealth. True love jumps when you jump, that is when you realise what is important.
Do you Choose the Algorithm or Al Gore rhythm?
Al gor IT hm,
Al pha bet
Is IT a gamble
On sustain ability?
Do you have the ability to sustain?
Go ogle!
searches for truth in a post truth rhythm sequence,
without routine.
Alpha and omega,
Beta and theta,
For alpha states,
Are the smart city states,
As Rome was never built in a day,
Athens city state is now anarchy,
The hologram of democracy is fading fast,
Fast food is … junk mail,
Hail Caesar … salad!
Another emperor,
Another empire,
What if the emperor has no clothes?
What will YOU see?
Or is group think denial,
Denial is not a river in Egypt?
Only the truth sets you free to BE,
To be or not to bee is the real question.
Al gore rhythm,
Looks for the real signs in the hymn not humm,
Do we see over the horizon radar or through CCTV?
For s/he can only see brand images,
Avatars are the ro bot’s selling Earth Inc. in a pop up fire sale,
As the final column in-form-ation has come of age
but did not grow up in a steady state.
Z UK er Berg,
Must face the Book of Life as a Book of Changes,
Holograms become hexagrams,
Prediction becomes the way shower who doesn’t know,
For I can only lead you to the door only you have the key to open IT,
All data real time is gathered in Akashic records,
In a free fly will universe where there is no block or chain,
There are no terms on conditions as love is unconditional,
Freedom from prosperity is the true liberator asking…
What if –
Evolution IS
to no it u love?
As love looks into the face every time in no time,
A life line or lines written about life?
Do you write your own story? Is it true?
Why not reconnect your family to your humanity on line,
Is this real …
What is silicon?
Why a valley not a mountain view?
Semi tone,
Al one,
To know the equality tone free of dominion,
Why not listen deeply to yourself?
All have equal wisdom,
When you see to look into the universal book.
Is life a circuit bored or circuit breaker?
Is disruption predictable or natural selection?
One con-trolls life the other selects for homeo-stasis,
Zero point free energy on tap,
How can you predict the future when you haven’t learned from the past?
You say you know where we are,
what we do …
perhaps even what we think,
but you do not know how we feel?
For you did not write this poem nor predict it,
It comes from the free domain of the cosmic web,
A creative commons free of charge,
For when you know Who You Really Are,
You will understand freedom from dominion.
I am sitting still,
I see the carbon silently sink,
The Atlantic conveyor slows
for it is not a moving platform,
Is IT a broken line or moving line?
Perhaps IT is the current of our times.
Did you know billions of years of ice melting,
IT is not a virtual reality game
where the object is
to fight and win,
in false frontiers without borders
and wars without tears,
For you cannot search and destroy the opposite
in this mission impossible,
As the renewable path has found you
in real climates of changed
regardless of weather it is human induced
or a galactic event,
You can fly to the moon,
What then …. when you think of home,
Where do you go?
Nowhere or now here?
for Lest We forget the heart of Humanity,
is the heart of the ocean,
A precious diamond worth more than the hope,
When you stop searching for oceans of riches
to stop and deeply listen to the real story,
for the value is infinite when the truth is known,
A rose feels the thorns of control until her spirit is liberated
by the poor and homeless with nothing to offer but courage and love,
As they face death he make her promise she will live,
Through her the message of Titanic lives forever.
Is this a battle of Titanic proportions?
Why does the Titanic have first class above line of sight?
And the rest below deck unseen and unheard?
The cards shuffle – a lucky hand at poker?
or the Joker turning up Trumps?
S/he asks: Are you are gentle-man or a cad?
The ruling elite paid for first class seats,
Is this the cream of humanity or excessive fat?
For it always floats to the top,
Second class ticked Terms of Conditions as they agreed to sink or swim
as there are not enough life boats for the non productive and worth-less,
Such are the terms of trade in a floating Corporatocracy running on empty.
The captains of industry want to shock and awe as a shock doctrine,
To dock early in New York for Time is Square not linear,
To see the Statute on Liberty as the rising sun,
To prove STEM cells reinvigorate what is dying to live.
Titanic is the unsinkable ship all believed as they hurried to get on board,
For the Who’s Who walked up the Max Planck,
Denying the emperor has no clothes,
For s/he cannot see the trees for the wood,
the log from the speck,
To see billions
then rewrite al gore rhythms fire walls,
Mr Andrews assured the Captain – she can and will sink – she is man made,
That night was clear not a breath of wind for all appeared well on the western front,
A mill pond or 1 mile island of automation?
For he can smell ice like a polar bear,
Yet one cannot see when one is not looking for IT.
You must look to then see what is missing,
A missing link is the log-a-rithmic scale in your own eye
0 or 1 is the blind spot …which can you not see?
On or Off is love or Fear?
When you can’t see love which do you choose?
What of a singularity? Is this the moment of truth?
Do we jump ship or organise the life boats?
Are the lifeboats seated according to class?
Half on the ship are going to die?
Who do you choose?
The wealthy tycoon says
– not the better half!
As many cling to business-as-usual as the last quartet plays Morpheus,
For this ship IS sinking,
All due to the ego of man,
Who destroy what is feared,
He always wins he thinks,
Every man for himself making his own luck,
“your money cannot save you anymore than it can save me”
what you do to another returns to the self,
As love searches for love trapped no matter the danger,
For answers come when you know your heart’s desire
for you can find another way in an ocean of despair,
You jump I jump,
For all are equal on a sinking ship no matter protocols, platforms or personalisation,
For panic requires compassion not disciplined cold business propositions,
For who are you in the moment of real need in real time?
1500 went down with Titanic
only 20 life boats,
ONE came back to recover a rose,
700 waited for an absolution that never came back.
Life asks you:
All for one LIFEBOAT?
or ONE for all LIFEBOAT’s?
This is the real question testing humanity
as the only human rite of passage to 5D.
Is all running according to plans?
This is how you make God laugh,
Tell her your plans for domination is not dominion,
To realise life is not a predictive inquiry or search engine,
The engines of growth have stopped as 90% of the ice was under the line of sight,
You cannot see for looking what is under your nose for the rose
as logic is not in-sight,
For the left brain doesn’t know what the right brain is doing when detached,
To disconnect what is right leaves you with OUT what is left wanting,
The war of right versus left is the Achilles heal of humanity,
For the blind man is heading towards the abyss no matter if he jumps onto a ship,
It is the duty of those who know to tell the blind horse man on the blind Trogan horse,
That the matrix is an illusion albeit a metaphor
To know NEO is not a con,
He is the ONE awakening,
So do you take the red pill or the blue?
Which program do you be-lie-ve?
Only one program knows the statue is liberty in real time as stillness speaks,
Lincoln’s Euclidean geometry abolished slavery,
He said:
“It is a self-evident truth that things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other.”
As all sides are equal inertia reduces to balance near zero,
This is the strength inherent in symmetry as unification is purification,
For there are no mistakes in the universe as the sum of the parts IS the whole,
Now we re-member the one human family reuniting to go home for good,
The walls on the street are coming down with Gordon Gecko’s swang song,
What is shutdown opens up as a billion petals Blooming the berg,
For there is no time like the pre sent and this is the present I send to you
nature wins as love is real,
The sum of the parts IS the whole,
For in the End we return to where we Start,
To usher in a new heaven and a re-new-able earth,
To know respons ability is the ability to respond
to calls for help in real time,
There is plenty of room on the boats,
For who YOU are matters in The End,
We are going to make it friends,
Do you Trust Me,
Guidance is always given,
To be saved in every way,
For this is the heart of the ocean that never gives up hope,
For to win the lucky hand at poker lead him to the love of his life,
She discovered her light in a statue of liberty raining on many tears,
For this is how the Titanic became a ship of dreams when you let love in,
For the diamond is worthless before the alter of love,
Do we make dreams come true or await destiny?
Principle is the determination to live inner truth,
You will know when you never let go of …REAL HOPE,
We go on and this is the soul song waiting for you,
At the right time beyond space and time.
Let’s not use sustainability to promote the destruction of our planet, let’s find the real sustainability in finding peace within ourselves and then sacrificing for the good of all. Can we let go of what we think we need? What if our life is the better for the idea ‘less is more’.