Sending a Love Letter to the United States

I send love to the American children, may their happy destiny be unavoidable.  May they discover love as their own answer.

I ask every person who reads and watches this to send love to the United States.  It works!  Only love heals. This is the Portal to higher consciousness.  I can lead you to the door, only you have the key to open it, if peace is your goal.

This is a peace activation gifted to you by you. This is the tone of peace from universal intelligence in my feeling.  It is freedom from fear.

1st Universal Key: Unconditional Love

2nd Universal Key: Gratitude

This video is how you use the law of attraction to manifest the positive world you envisage.  Gratitude is the second key.


Mohandas Gandhi

“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”
