Dreaming Peace in Poetry Gave REAL HOPES

This is a video explaining why my life moved from market research to peace as the result of a dream.  My life is guided by inspiration which is going with the flow of life not against it.  It is learning to be at peace no matter what is happening.  This is the hardest approach as we are deeply programmed by fear.

The future will be about ‘being the change’.  If you want peace be it, if you want abundance give it away, if you want love give it and so on.  Be love be the dove even if you are in a violent spectrum consider the violet spectrum. That catalyses transformation.

REAL HOPES is a model for transformative peace uniting diversity into the white light is the visual.  It can be used in strategy to check that you are aligning with universal values when choosing to view a problem.  You can look through the prism of REAL HOPES – responsibility, empathy, awareness, love, honesty, oneness, peace, enjoyment and service.

REAL HOPES is feeling unity and harmony through universal values.  It is in alignment with our true nature.

Mohandas Gandhi

“Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong”
