The Voice of Young People is Essential to Unite Nations

I enjoyed listening to the young people who are more honest than adults.  The topics were very important.  Young people must be given a voice as a choice over their future.  It is not all about a singular focus on money it is about who we are as world citizens and how money can fund the desire of what people actually want and need.  Children are the ones who will have to deal with the ignorance of previous generations who clearly have not been able to solve the most intractable problems we face.   The children spoke of poverty eradication, the rights of women and young people, climate change, traditional medicine, terrorism, justice and human rights etc.  They are finding their voice.  It is important that questions become part of this Parliament or forum as this opens possibilities.  To focus on what they can become in their highest vision.  The children are the real hope for the future.

Mohandas Gandhi

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
