Nostradamus Unites the Eagle and the Bear in The End

After the furore around Trump and Putin I felt inspired to look at Nostradamus.  I have no idea how accurate this is but I will post it for discussion.

I am seeking Nostradamus prediction of the Eagle (the US), the Bear (Russia) and the Dragon (China).  I’ve Googled and haven’t found anything that feels right.  There is Christian prophecy here and I am not feeling to connect with it.  So I will go into myself.  I will speak my truth as I feel it, as this is democracy.

My feeling is that Trump was pushed into the arms of the Russians given the US intelligence community backing Hillary Clinton, an established ruling elite who would ensure “business as usual”.  Kennedy did come to my mind and Hoover and the Bay of Pigs.  Refer What I felt was the intelligence community coming into the light (spotlight) after dark clandestine activities where leaders have been installed and removed as per US interests.  This is not a democratic world but a world of tooth and claw (Hobbesian worldview).  US interests I felt to be corporate not the citizens of the United States, they are peripheral.  The international order is bi-polar but I feel this as bipolar in the psychological sense, expressing as extremism (highs, lows).  I regard Putin as ex-KGB intelligence operative who has out manovoured the US intelligence community as they play games of cat and mouse, territorialism, colonialism, nuclear posturing, oil rigging and assassinations of ‘enemies’ in order to ensure power (energy) bases, military bases and control.  These secretive communities engage in the real cold war beneath the surface where there is no Geneva Convention or global rules or a modicum of a equal playing field, the only rule is to not get caught (secrecy).  The figure heads legitimise and distract the public under the guise of the defence of ‘democracy’ which no longer exists as a lived philosophy. The true state of play is capitalism which is a dictatorial top down form of control that is ruthlessly pursing its interests not on behalf of citizens but on behalf of shareholders, as the world is perceived as a chessboard.

They are not at peace.  They constantly seek for enemies as their mindset is a military mindset that connects to the industrial/military complex and I feel this to be pathological as an institutional profile.  There is no empathy or feeling for those that are harmed or killed, it is seen as strategic, tactical and necessary as there is a belief in an enemy which increasingly becomes any dissent or difference that in any way threatens or blocks interests.   The myths creating enemies are surfacing today as these are sacred cows unquestioned.  During this time all ideologies as truths will be challenged as the light penetrates what is hidden.

Trump is a wild card. He and Putin seek to trump the hand or castle the chessboard.  I feel playing cards and he is pulling out a card that is unexpected, like the Joker.  He doesn’t tow the line, he is unpredictable, he does it his own way.  He says what he thinks not what is expected or decided. He is inappropriate and used to calling the shots.  He is perceived as the buffoon.  He mirrors the cruelty inherent in ruthlessness and bullying.  Putin is clever and more ruthless.  He has been turned to because he can equally surveil the intelligence community and this gives Trump some parity as he is targeted by them from day one.  The war is within the United States and these divisions are exploited by those who have a vested interest in destabilising what is a sinking ship.  The Titanic comes to mind.  The captains of industry said the ship would get to New York (statue of liberty) early, but it is too late as the US is sinking and there is great fear in the loss of power.  Not unlike the British, who called themselves Great Britain and now United Kingdom.  They fell from poll position and this is a loss of face as identity is configured by the stories of superiority as power which were never true.  All are equal.

For myself, I feel King Arthur here, I see the round table conference, where in the end all must come together and work out our collective problems without fanfare but honestly face what we fear and resolve all conflict. If that doesn’t happen it is a fight to the bottom.  I do not feel there will be a nuclear holocaust as the UFO’s shut down nuclear silos.  Their presence is the third sider aspect that is not talked about in the mainstream media as it is still a taboo topic.  It is like another reality that changes the paradigm or you can visualise it as a pink elephant in the room, known but left out of the narrative.

Underlying all of this is the loss of ‘democracy’ and real freedom.  Like ‘peace’ it is a word overused and with no substance.  The people are awakening to the shenanigans of government and the intelligence communities and most have had enough as it is not hard to research what is behind the masks these days.  The surveillance of citizens is the last straw for civil society and the repression being set up through changes in legislation as rights are eroded.  The people realise the system is corrupt to the core and that we have lost our way.  The checks and balances that should have been there are not there and it is money that talks. This makes for a shallow world that embroils itself in conflict, wasting resources, ignoring real suffering unable to provide real leadership to evolve civilisation in a direction to ensure people are looked after, potential is maximised and opportunities for all and to focus on happiness as the purpose of life itself.  Instead we are held back by the fears, the greed and the control mindsets that have been the norm for a long time.

I look forward to a new dawn.  I am awaiting a future where love, peace, truth, compassion and oneness become the foundation as some throughout history have sought to remind us.  I think of: Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Kristimurti, Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Peace Pilgrim, Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle, Abraham, Mark Twain (felt inspired about him) and the many inspired mystics, poets, artists, seers, philosophers shining the light of another way.  The virtuous way is the way that unites humanity.  Whilst we still believe in enemies we will remain divided. This is a self defeating strategy.

At what point do we all stop, reconsider and reform ourselves into the image that actually serves us?  At this present moment we are still in confusion, we still believe our negativity, we still are unconsciously participating in the drama fighting against what we fear rather than embracing fear and seeking to resolve our inner conflict to move towards what is truly wanted.  Until we look within the outside will not change, as all war starts within us as we allow fear to dictate the terms of reference.  Peace turns the pointing finger back, as at least 3 fingers are already pointing at the accuser.  Look at the log in your own eye comes to mind.  Whenever I see accusations I turn it around, as I know they come out of their own fear and blame out of a space of denial.  What if we took a radical new direction and focused on ourselves.  All wars start and end here.

One day you will go to the mirror and you will laugh.  That is when realisation occurs.  That is how you awaken the Fool!  It is the truth that sets all free to be who they are.  Always remember from The End comes a New Story.  I regard this as a New Earth.  I just saw this post and will paste it here, I do this to give you REAL HOPE.  Refer

I send love to all.  May we find the peace that passeth all understanding (beyond intellectual knowledge).

Nostradamus was one of those in the ancient past who saw into the future.

Here are some perspectives.  I cannot offer validity but it is something to contemplate for the future of your children and grandchildren.

Michel de Nostradame, more commonly known as Nostradamus, was a French apothecary and reputed seer who published collections of prophecies that have since become famous worldwide. He is best known for his book Les Propheties (“The Prophecies”), the first edition of which appeared in 1555. Since the publication of this book, which has rarely been out of print since his death, Nostradamus has attracted a following that, along with the popular press, credits him with predicting many major world events.

Most academic sources maintain that the associations made between world events and Nostradamus’s quatrains are largely the result of misinterpretations or mistranslations (sometimes deliberate) or else are so tenuous as to render them useless as evidence of any genuine predictive power. Moreover, none of the sources listed offers any evidence that anyone has ever interpreted any of Nostradamus’s quatrains specifically enough to allow a clear identification of any event in advance.

The Kennedy Assassination

The ancient work will be accomplished,
And from the roof evil ruin will fall on the great man:
They will accuse an innocent, being dead, of the deed:
The guilty one is hidden in the misty copse.
(Century 6, Quatrain 37)

The great man will be struck down in the day by a thunderbolt,
The evil deed predicted by the bearer of a petition:
According to the prediction another falls at night,
Conflict in Reims, London, and pestilence in Tuscany.
(Century 1, Quatrain 27)

As per his prediction – JFK was shot in the day, at 12 noon, and his brother Robert Kennedy was shot at night, at 1 am. The last line dates the assassinations. For there were student riots in London and Paris in 1968, and in 1966 a flood hit Florence that prompted fears of pestilence. JFK was shot in 1963 and his brother in 1968. The alleged conspiracy that surrounded the assassination was the subject of another of Nostradamus’ quatrains.

Lee Harvey Oswald was reputed to have shot Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Book Depository, is this ‘the roof’ that is mentioned in second line? Or is ‘the roof’ a metaphor for the conspiracy performed by the CIA, previously Kennedy’s protection, his ‘roof’. The third line suggests that Lee Harvey Oswald was in fact innocent, and ‘the misty wood’ of the fourth line may describe either the trees around the grassy knowle, or the misty woods of the secret service.

Predictions for the Next Decade (with help from Nostradamus)

Predictions for the Next Decade (with help from Nostradamus)



Prédictions pour la Décennie Prochaine traduit dans l’Anglais au Profit

des Citoyens de Nouvelle France

(Predictions for the New Decade, translated into the English for the Benefit of the Citizens of New France)

La première Strophe (1st Stanza):   Greenland will be irrevocably green.
Ships of Commerce traverse Greenland’s shores.
But oh, the Bear begins to prowl.

La deuxième Strophe (2nd Stanza):  New engines of wonder will grace every home. Automata will walk the land, And be our allies.

La troisième Strophe (3rd Stanza):   The misery of Asia will know no bounds.

Its tears will fall heavier than its rain.

La quatrième Strophe (4th Stanza):  Venice will be consumed. The people will flee to higher ground.

La cinqième Strophe (5th Stanza):  An advocate will receive her last reward.
A trusted lieutenant will be deputy of the plebs. An obscure dour Conscience will arise.

La sixième Strophe (6th Stanza):   An Archon will become Governor, exchanging his chains. A dour Conscience will be his Guide.
The Automaton will be a prince of the Phoenix.

La septième Strophe (7th Stanza):  The wisdom of the Sceptre and Snakes will prevail.
The bubo’s grip will be forever undone.

La huitième Strophe (8th Stanza):  Harnessing the Harpy, Our Mages restore our fuel. Alternatives to the Atom follow the Harpy.

La neufième Strophe (9th Stanza): The children of dukes alone shall learn.
The rest shall be deemed Automata and slave.

La dixième Strophe (10th Stanza):   An old alliance shall perish,
But the Phoenix, mighty and strong,
Shall rise in its place.

La onzième Strophe (11th Stanza):   A League of Nations will join anew.
Normandy, the Lion, the Eagle, and Bear,
The Phoenix and the Dragon rejoice.

La douzième Strophe (12th Stanza):  Africa’s brood will smother the land.
The north and south will narrowly escape tragedy.

La treizième Strophe (13th Stanza):   Europe’s house builds new stories.
Its family grows healthy and strong.

La quatorzième Strophe (14th Stanza):  The Bear will seek new territory.
Its kin will welcome its presence.

La quinzième Strophe (15th Stanza):  The little Dragons look akin to Eagles.
But the Dragon rests with the Rising Sun.

La seizième Strophe (16th Stanza):    An Asian prince will pass away.
Utopia will merge with the will of Commerce.

La dixseptième Strophe (17th Stanza):  The Asian desert will be overrun with hierophants.
But their kingdom will be empty.
The people are no longer there.

La dixhuitième Strophe (18th Stanza):  The blood of Persia’s hierophants runs cold.
When the sod of the New City is turned,
Look for turmoil and blood in the Old.

La dixneufième Strophe (19th Stanza):  Cyprus, divided, finally becomes two.
The Turk is welcome in Europe’s house.

La vingtième Strophe (20th Stanza):     Desperate times breed desperate men.
The disenfranchised will rise up or die.
Look for protest, strife, and blood
When fruitful but childless couples weep.

La vingt-et-unième Strophe (21st Stanza):  An old alliance gives up the ghost.
A Phoenix with four fists arises from its ashes.

La vingt-deuxième Strophe (22nd Stanza):  The Bear threatens Greenland.
But the Phoenix burns his eyes.
The Eagle must also bow,
Lest it too be scorched.

La vingt-troisième Strophe (23rd Stanza):   The lair of the Bear is struck
By the wrath of Atoms.
Sickness spreads to all its cubs.
The lair is moved to Peter’s City.

La vingt-quatrième Strophe (24th Stanza):   Today we see a new horizon grows,
Not flat, but circular born.
One giant leap for mankind looms,
To untouched planets of the mind.

Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus) wrote in symbolic language. His book “The Centuries”  purporting to predict the future and his Almanacs (the predecessor to the modern “Farmer’s Almanac”) were very popular in his time. Try to figure out the meanings. My explanations for all the stanzas will be published tomorrow.

Brian Strader

Mohandas Gandhi

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
