Why Are We Fighting Nature? Wake Up!

I found this YouTube video below by chance as I followed another thread.  I really resonate with what it is reflecting. It reveals why we are fighting nature and it will provide insights into the times we are moving through.

I thought of my blog title Peace is Our True Nature.  Indeed it is.  It is a powerful thought form the awareness that we are One. It is hard to grasp when you are there and I am here, yet we are nowhere or Now Here as is wisely said.  So am I writing this to you or are you writing this to you believing it is me.  That is how oneness expresses. It throws inside out the belief of a separate self.  It is understandable when we sit in bodies and meet and talk that it feels separate. Yet I would say what happens when you walk in to the room and feel the vibe. That suggests we are not separate.  I found in my own life with my own experiments of life supporting me that I did have proof. Things and people came to me that I didn’t expect to support me.  As a clown, it has been the closest I can get to the sense of oneness.  I am not thinking as I move around people with a smile.  There is no agenda, there is no desire to impress, no need for money, I am just giving love.  What I experience is a sense of oneness, that all are family, this really means I feel comfortable like family with them, I do not feel strangers.  As I am not estranged from them. It is I who have changed not the world.  When I hear opposing views I am learning to greet them as friends as life is intelligent.  We are each a point of consciousness in a creative universe.  Our brain truncates that experience of unlimitedness and eternal life.  Those who have peak experiences, out of body, accidents etc speak of going out of their body and experiencing this free, expansive, unlimited experience.

We became caught up in the thoughts and words of language which created images, structures, limits etc. Words are perceptions of self. We really believe what we think is true. Yet the reality is beyond all of this.  What I learned over my life is to suspend judgement.  When I didn’t understand something I just allowed the juggling balls to be suspended (balls in the air).  I did this to sit with life as it is and be open to other possibilities that I didn’t understand.  This came from not thinking I knew it all, it came from being open to not knowing the knowing of which can change everything. I open my mind to possibilities that is what lead me to become a peace clown, to step out in life and travel alone and live alone.  I did this to explore the oneness.  I wanted to prove to myself that this is a real phenomenon not just wishful thinking.  Facing fear is really allowing life without control.  I have been so amazed at how abundant life really is outside of our economic and power paradigms.  We are so lost in our beliefs that what we are doing defends, protects, ensures stabilty and growth etc. These are all old ideas that have lead us in circles repeating the same mistakes until we somehow decide this is no longer what we want.  I think the world is coming to a point where people don’t want this anymore. We’ve all heard the same rhetoric, you can see leaders are not telling the truth, inequality still exists, wars are still being fought over money interests whilst the world community is watching now. YouTube and social media means the people are connecting which in a sense is a form of oneness reuniting.  The controllable spectrum is no longer holding and a new reality or indeed an eternal reality is breaking through gently.  This is the oneness, the new earth, new age and harmony that is being discussed more and more. Humanity is reaching for humanity as it is tired of the pain of conflict.  The peace reality is really just allowing life in full trust as it is recognised we create our reality as points of consciousness, each manifesting what they think about.  They do it consciously or unconsciously.  Overtime they will awaken to their own inner power and realise the world is in their image.  It is in your image.  It is in my image.  That is self responsibility that moves from blame, enemies, greed and selfishness. It is a self centredness that feels the epicentre of source within. The stillness enables a clear connection to our true nature that has always been there but obscured by the noise of life.

For myself I see the beauty in everyone.  It has been such an amazing realisation that all are doing their best. I recognise that each has to have the experience they are having.  If I resist it and say it shouldn’t be happening then I am fighting against reality given it is happening. However, I can create another possibility through blogs, videos etc. The free will mentioned in the video is that we are given the opportunity in this reality to direct our own will.  In our true natural state we allowed a greater will to guide as it is omnipresent. In this duality we are in we get to choose. This expands creativity, clashes, diversity, exploration etc. That is the purpose of intelligent life as points of life.  So the oneness speaks of you seeing yourself everywhere you look. If there is discord it is coming from you not the other and that is where you focus. You can only dissolve the discord by being present (bringing intelligent presence) to this pain and being with it (making peace within). This allows the pain to move through. If you fight and resist the pain continues as it is not released. That is why conflicts don’t resolve. That is why those seeking power look for a new enemy.  That is why we find another reason to hate or divide. In truth we are not able to look at what is really discordant within.  In the case of the US it speaks of terrorism yet it ignores its covert activities around the world that operated outside of its stated values of democracy, peace, life, liberty and happiness.  So the terror it felt within it projected outwards.  There were vested interests in economic growth, utilising national interest to expand into other countries by force under the guise of breaking international law or fears of upsetting international peace and security.  So nationally we project, the media helps in this image creating yet in truth each is fighting themselves as all are ONE.  It becomes a revolving door conflict as life responds with cause and effect.  So what you resist persists (becomes defined) and what you look at (face) disappears as you realise the illusion.  We are very caught up in illusions of our own making.  I am certainly not just poking at the US but I see it in my own life.  Where have I seen an enemy in someone else, believing they are wrong, moving away from that other believing they are separate? Where have I not been able to own my projection? Where have I lied to myself? When I’ve been angry and who am I really angry at?  Am I willing to be honest enough to see it is my own frustration with myself. So this in truth is the microcosm reflecting the macrocosm.  So if I say it is them against us or you are wrong I am right I fall back in to the trap of separation. This is a high level of understanding and it doesn’t wipe away that factual matters are happening, the other may project negativity, critical, untruth, unfairness, hurtful intentions etc. They may not choose to look within at their own actions. However, if you want peace you have to look within. Inspiration moves us to greater realisations.

Therefore, the mastery of this is to keep looking within.  I follow inspiration in trust and I just do what I do.  I guess at the end of my life when I pass over then I will have that expanded consciousness to be able to recognise what I said and did and how that impacted others and visa versa.  Did I spread love or fear here believing I was doing good?  I am still learning about this as well.  I know intuitively it is true but I am still integrating the truth of it in my experience.  Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie are definitely experiencing the oneness.  Dr Jill Bolte Taylor in her Ted talk expressed as a brain scientist the impact of a brain injury on the left hemisphere (logic) and how she experienced the expanded reality directly.  So this literally takes us out into space beyond time and definitely changes our view on what life really is.

We are in interesting times right now, consider some excitement around this as the reality of pain and suffering is splitting off. It is explained that higher frequency (positive, loving) thoughts literally move us into a new reality that reflects this.  So if you continue on locked into the matrix of fixed beliefs that the world is negative, violent and cannot be trusted then you lower your frequency and see more of that. Consciousness focuses so what we think and feel about we bring about.  If what I am saying is true then you may want to rethink how you are focusing, what you are feeling (can you feel your feelings) and then what you are seeing. Can you realise (real eyes) that you are creating it?  That is the key to global transformation. Only I can change me. I cannot change you and it is not my job. I can only express my truth (in this moment) to you and you get to decide.  You can tell me what you think and feel and your reasons.  I can then go away, reflect and choose.  This is cosmic voting. Our thoughts literally flow into the universe on electromagnetic concentric waves. Energy transfers it doesn’t dissipate. So nothing is lost in this universal cosnciosuness. We are all One. All is seen.

That is my take on it so far.  Nature will be here after we are long gone. Yet the oneness or unity consciousness states we never die. Life is eternal. We are all of it.  If time doesn’t exist then all at the same time.  Einstein grasped that.

Anyway here are some videos offered with a feeling of great love for you. It is called The Magimatical Universe.  Looks like it has  been taken down.

Mohandas Gandhi

“My life is my message.”
