Buckminster Fuller: Competitive Versus Holistic Philosophies of Nation States

 Competitive Versus Holistic Philosophies of Nation States

Governments around the world typically formulate legislation and policy in the national interest.  Governments in the current era have a predisposition for economic policy as the belief is that economics provides social and economic stability and prosperity.  In an expanding capitalist global economy, economics is the undisputed approach to governing peoples and perceived as the most effective way to distribute resources, generate wealth and in its original context, create happiness.

It is worth exploring Buckminster Fuller’s vision to generate another perspective of what he called the world game.  The World Game tool was an approach to the problems of the world.  He invited the global community to consider a whole world approach rather than piece meal approaches to tackle problems.  He coined the term ‘local focus hocus pocus’ referring to a narrow local approach to problem solving.  He expanded his vision of spaceship earth and observed the illogic of 200 nation state admirals trying to steer the spaceship in different directions, regarding nation states as blood clots.  We can easily observe this even at the national level with different departments wanting more budget allocations than other departments, all competing for a slice of the pie.

He viewed the word ‘game’ as instructive and accessible to everyone, not just the elite few in power who thought they were running the show.  He wanted a tool whose findings would be widely disseminated to masses through a free press and through a ground swell of public vetting and acceptance of solutions to society’s problems ultimately force the political process to move in the direction that the values, imagination and problem solving skills of those playing the democratically open world game dictated.  This resonates with the recent announcement of National Innovation & Science Agenda, however even this vision excludes emotional intelligence approaches, collaboration, new ways of thinking to envisage possibilities believing that science gives the edge.  Perhaps in an economic world there is truth in that, but if we are to expand beyond the horizon of what we know then innovation may take the shape of thinking in ways that are wholistic, where social benefit is at the forefront, where we connect our societies to our true nature to recalibrate with nature, these are philosophies unspoken and unexplored, yet perhaps this is how we create true security shifting from economic paradigms that at this point are undermining life support systems on the planet.  The push for employment is a notion reflective of what could be termed the ‘old paradigm’ and belief in economic growth but as is being witnessed across the planet a global slowdown and traditional moves to pump prime and stimulate growth are not working.  Moreover, this is not sustainability with climate change and an uncertain future, therefore transforming the way we think (see) and opening to sensing intuitively new ways may expand the playing field rather than compete for an ever shrinking pie.


He stated:


“make the world work, for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or to the disadvantage of anyone.”


In this job seeker’s experience the impulse has been to work for 100% of humanity in the field of peace, nonviolence, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution and anti-bullying.  Her work has been a contribution for free to society.  Her work has been spontaneous, cooperative and mindful of the ecology of our planet, valuing all people and disadvantaging none in a spirit of equality and fair play.  She does not subscribe to arguments that competition and greed (monetary, success) produces excellence but believes firmly that cooperation, collaboration and empowerment will forge new pathways positively and expansively for the benefit of all as we are a global community no longer an isolated nation state. She senses a shift in consciousness may be a new way that takes us into unknown territory.  We are going there anyway, why not open our minds and start to think and feel, to intuit work, economics, humanity, society and play in new ways so we can solve the problems from a different consciousness as the old paradigm is not working.  Importantly, mental health problems are increasing as society questions an uncertain future.

It was Albert Einstein who stated:

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”


This discussion is to provide a contrast to the current economic perspectives which underlie forced compliance.   It will be discussed to frame in language that the reader will understand.  Moreover, it is important to identify the current perspectives and analyse unemployment in traditional formats and question new ways of viewing this growing situation that is an outcome of changing realities.  We construct our world breaking down complexity into bite size chunks in the hope of gaining understanding and control over dynamics that no-one can calculate through econometrics or politics.  We have to think and feel in new ways.  This is the power of democracy when the only agenda is freedom of expression and encouraging diversity for the highest good. Is getting a job in reality a contribution to society if the intention is survival rather than thriving and expanding possibilities to meet change with innovative approaches.  If economics is undermining ecological systems then is it unethical to work if it causes social harm?

Mohandas Gandhi

“If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.”
