Perfection is the Disease of the Nation


Perfection in how you look, the words you say, the house you live in, the family you showcase, it is a dis-ease of the nation and the world.  I love Beyonce I am realising she is protesting through her songs.  The realisation of her worth, depth and ability go way beyond her face.  She states in the mock beauty contest that her aspiration is ‘happiness’.  I found it interesting the scenes of the jealousy between women, comparing and contrasting themselves, the throwing up in the toilet, the weighing in to be skinny and restrictions so the woman is perfect.  This of course is the fantasy of men. Women by themselves forget they are women.  I certainly did.  I only remember when men pay attention.  I am waiting to see if there are men out there that go beyond the superficial and actually seek to be with someone as an equal and with respect.  We are driven by stereotypes and societal expectations of what it is to be a woman.  I am discovering I am much more than a woman, I see myself these days as consciousness.  I am love in form.  As a clown I was able to transcend gender and really express love without sexualisation, but to truly love unconditionally.  For me it was about an expression of who I truly am and that has nothing to do with my physical body.

Remember Susan Boyle the British woman who was on Britains Got Talent 2009  It is interesting to see the men quite disgusted by her as they judged her looks.  I noted the woman was open to her.  In the audience the other women were giving negative looks.  Yet when this woman sang she was brilliant and beautiful.  To me true beauty is not even her voice but the smiles I saw, if only we could be this way unconditionally I will assure you all the great talent of our world will surface.  So many give up as they are not assisted given some form of discrimination or self interest.  Imagine what love does next. I encourage everyone to get up.

In my own life I would be viewed as attractive and I’ve seen how I’ve been treated.  Many people are attracted to me and it is easy for me to converse as I am quickly assessed as fine and non-threatening.  I wonder about those over weight, unattractive, diasabled in some way and how society ignores them.  I am observant and I see the discrimination not only in others but I’ve seen the conditioned responses in myself.  I am awake enough to be aware so I work on reversing what I have been taught by society.  To look at all people as consciousness having an experience.  That each person is on their path, like me they have dreams, needs, desires and emotions.  So can I treat them exactly the same and see the beauty beyond the physical?  That is my goal.

This is her courageous song.   Perhaps the real perfection is that life is perfectly imperfect.

Mohandas Gandhi

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
