Peace is for-giving

Forgiveness of others is probably the hardest challenge we all face. We get upset with others and then we walk away never to speak again. Sometimes people are not easy, we just don’t understand them. Yet I wonder what happens when we just let go and allow life to be what it is. To not expect people to be a certain way or to punish them for not giving us what we feel we want. This poem is about forgiving. I am learning we don’t know the purpose of others and has Byron Katie says ‘they are doing their job’, even if that is to be difficult, we make choices, do I choose to be like this or not. That may be the purpose of their presence. Hmmm food for thought hey.

World peace will only come,
When we can look into the eyes
Of those who trespass against us,
With love and compassion,
Forgiveness is always for giving.

For it is not to seek support,
But to know that one is supported by truth,
That is the true reconciliation
Within the heart.

World peace is true freedom,
World peace is true expression,
It is the freedom to choose one’s actions,
The freedom to be one self in comm-unity,
The freedom to take responsibility,
But this is without expectation,
Without need,
Without greed,
It is to sit in peace and send love
To those who persecute us,
For if we hate,
If we shout,
If we feel anger,
Then we are at war with ourselves,
For peace has left for it is not at war,
Turmoil is the soil,
That fertilizes our thoughts,
And it is thoughts of peace for the other,
That bring the new wind,
That open a space for understanding,
Of ourselves.

It is ok to feel the pain,
It is kind to feel for those disempowered,
It is good to wish for something higher,
But to be the change,
We must change,
And speak with love and peace,
For it is the love that sets us free,
Love is the seed,
That awaits the right conditions,
To grow through the resistance,
And this is the birth of a new variety.

Enjoy your day,
Don’t see it as a trial,
Fear is false evidence appearing real,
This is just another challenge to stand up for your truth,
To help others to see another way,
In freedom,
It matters not if there is the power of one,
Or the multitudes,
All truth tellers stand alone,
And this is the strength of the multitude,
For you will never see your strength in a crowd,
You will never hear peace when it is loud,
For peace is in stillness.

Life happens the way it is meant to,
For we do not trust god’s plan,
And it is unfolding although we may not see,
For only in our hearts can we be free,
When we see ourselves in the other,
For all of us trespass,
All of us force,
All of us are fighting,
But it is time to drop the arms,
To become defenseless,
It is time to say the psalms,
It is the time for peace,
This is the seed that is awaiting nourishment,
Quietly awaiting your attention,
It is in humility that it germinates,
It is love that is the nourishment.

For you are peace,
You are love,
You are joy,
You are the most beautiful expression,
So learn the lesson,
And the court will become a classroom,
Teaching values of mutual respect,
This is the sand of differences that grates,
That rub against each other,
Only through discomfort and friction can the pearl of deep respect be formed,
The hard edges are removed,
And the justice of real truth,
Emerges from the mountains of beliefs,
For this is the rising sun
Of self realization.
Om shanty in peace.

Mohandas Gandhi

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
