The Challenge Is That We Are Indoctrinated into Feeling Good

Michael Brown speaks of the real challenge for people. He shares about emotional processing and how important it is to sit with what you actually feel.  It is uncomfortable but this is a sign that there are unintegrated emotions.  So you sit with it, feel it and process the fear, anger and grief.  The emotional signature relates to family and radiates out.  We process our emotions and feel the grief of the world.  You might lie on the floor drowning.  It may feel endless, but it is important to sink in and allow to move through. So you can feel the world deeply without going out of balance.  For example, when you feel your grief it awakens the feeling process.  You will not go off balance unconsciously as you are working consciously with grief.  This is how we grow. This provides a sense of Michael Brown’s awareness.  

Mohandas Gandhi

“Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.”
