The Unreality of Conflict

It is interesting when you reflect on life aware that all negativity is not true.  We can sit in justification that we are right and they are wrong. We can find the evidence.  Yet if we truly have a different perspective on life and who we are, none of it holds water. Once you realise what you see to be truth you can never be the same again.  

I think families are good teachers of what is unhealed in each other. They often reflect each other.  Their own weaknesses denied become the weaknesses in others.  Like children we play games of withdrawal, games of punishment, resentment yet we never really sit down and look at the issue causing irritation to discover it resides within ourselves.  Then I reflect on the sand that grates in the shell and know that all irritation is causing your own pearl to evolve.  Interestingly the pearl forms around the sand of irritation to produce something that protects the whole (the shell). So we can stay with the irritation or we can come around it and embrace it as part of ourselves allowing it to wear down all the hard edges.

When you realise you are eternal, that you are pure love at essence and that your life is unfolding as it should, how can you hold anyone to account, how can you tell yourself they are deficient when you know that life is coming around you to create this perfect pearl.

So all those who irritate you, those who you deem to be an enemy, those you deem as the other are the sand that rubs your life either into a pearl or you try to avoid the irritation and live with it as unevolved or a pearl in potential.

That is why I advocate for  facing all conflict.  You don’t have to go to the person if they are not ready but you can look into yourself, you can look at your ego (as it is the only aspect that hurts).  Even the emotional pain of hurts is a good thing, I’ve found that it has evolved me.  It is like an aspect dying that is no longer who you are.  

All forgiveness is is really letting go of negativity that is held on to.  In truth the past is gone, you can forgive someone, but that only happens when you see the situation differently.  We are never in the shoes of the other, we don’t know their life path, we don’t know what they are living to learn as all of us have come to expand ourselves.  Of course this notion comes from an understanding that we live on after death.  I know this after I did near death research.  It was clear this is a journey.  So I know I am a player in a drama and even the drama is not real.  It is just a way of creating contrasts, the sand that creates the pearl of who you are.  So all negative things are in truth the grist for the mill.  They are here to serve you not diminish you, as you are forced to rise to the challenge or succumb to your own beliefs of ‘not good enough’, ‘powerless’, ‘worthless’ and so on.  You are the decider of those beliefs. You may have been told these things but life is challenging you to work it out.  Is it true?

So there is a rainbow out of the rain shadow.  If you look to the horizon you will see this rainbow.  I see it as the values of humanity that come from the purist of white light fragmented by the prism and made visible as it is contained within the water droplets of a great ocean.

As a poet I get to explore between the spaces, I can just allow words to form on the page, I can just follow this trail as an investigator of the heart and beyond.  I can just allow the inner feeling to guide to know that I can trust this as my intent is truth.  If I really want to live in the truth I have to look at myself not others.  This of course is a hard test but it is the reality.  We are consciousness looking upon creation. Consciousness is the silence and the thoughts and feelings that move through us creating the colour prism of our field of vision.  When we move to higher consciousness we find feelings of love permeating this vision and a new world emerges. It is not rose coloured it is softened, it is allowing, it is full of compassion, this is the formation of the pearl as you smooth out the hard edges to see they were never hard but simply contrasting.  So you realise the world is working for you not against you and that all is joined in this field of awareness whether they know it or not.  We are literally connected.

I find this gives me peace and an acceptance that I do not control this show that I am merely a participant shining another perspective for others to consider.

From this perspective the idea of wars becomes superflous.  I see the negotiations for advantage as pointless.  I realise the economic system is based on fear and is just a juggernaut driven by intense egos seeking to enlarge themselves.   I become aware that we are not in harmony and how we undermine ourselves through our separation consciousness.  I come to see that people do not know how to love each other, they keep seeking it in all the wrong places believing these actions will bring them benefit when in the end they are chasing rainbows that never satisfy the longing for completion.  They are innocent in their pursuits but just unaware and rather than sit in a position of superiority I see it as one awakening from a dream contrasted with one still sleeping.  Neither superior to the other just in different stages of awakening or awareness.  I am them and they are me. All they did I have done.  So how is it possible to have an enemy?  There is no threat there is only the unquestioned conditioned mind patterns that believe what they believe driven by unquestioned fears that feed the conflict.  I see that more clearly today as the clouds are clearing in the sky of my awareness.  I am sitting quietly within watching the drama fuelled always by the same paradigms of fear and not enough.  Yet I am feeling fulfilled.  I am feeling more peace.  I am realising that there is nothing to cling to.  I am seeing and feeling the love within as the driver of my life as I let go of the raft and allow the ocean to carry me on currents of love that are endless and upward spiraling. That is how the poetry carries my expression.

I send you love.  Do not fear the future.  Our happy destiny is unavoidable.  All conflict is mist on the mountain as the light arises across a war weary planet we will come to see rooms with 360 degree views, all are One.

Mohandas Gandhi

“Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong”
