Channelled Message of Jesus for Christmas

Jesus’ Christmas Greeting

This is a channelled message:

“Christmas is a time for upliftment and inspiration, a time for releasing old feuds and resentments, so that hearts may open to receive the Love that is always on offer but which is often blocked or locked out as people focus on judgment and blame for old hurts. But there is only NOW! Do not wait for a sign from the one you feel has offended or mistreated you, instead reach out to that one with love. It can be as simple as holding the intent to forgive them, and yourselves, or a more positive reaching out as in a phone call, or if in the other’s physical presence offering a warm and heartfelt smile, and even a hug.

Offering love to another is incredibly effective, and barriers that have been erected can just melt. Remember, if someone has hurt you, they may well feel that you have hurt them too – intentionally or unintentionally – so it is completely appropriate for you to reach out to them. Waiting for a sign from another that they wish to heal a relationship has been an ongoing human behavior for eons, and while everyone waits no one reaches out, afraid that their reaching out will be rejected. If you reach out warmly with accepting friendship you will frequently find that the other would welcome your invitation to heal the relationship.

Love always reaches out, and when it reaches out in an interpersonal relationship that is hurting wonderful healing can occur. Everyone wants only to be loved, because Love is your true nature, and within the illusion, where you experience your human existence, many have been spurned, rejected, and ignored because the person behaving in that fashion was afraid to reach out lest they experience what they feared.

So, this Christmas season, open your hearts courageously and offer Love freely, which you have in abundance, to all with whom you interact and enjoy the resultant warm responses that are returned. Love is your nature, engage with It fully and heal yourselves and your loved ones, and then watch as they do likewise, contributing powerfully to the worldwide spiritual awakening that is in progress.

Your loving brother, Jesus”


Mohandas Gandhi

“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”
