John Dean: Bush Administration Was Worse Than Watergate


I interviewed John Dean back in 2006 at La Trobe University in Australia. He was on a speaking tour about his book Worse Than Watergate: the Secret Presdidency of George W. Bush.  He provided telling insights into crimes and misdemeanors of the Bush administration linked to the Energy industry and its contributions. The sentences that jumped out at me was when he referred to former British PM Tony Blair’s Science adviser. He said looking at the evidence of the Bush’s policies and what it is doing to the globe will cause far more damage to this species than all the terrorists in the world can cause us. Yet we look in the media and this important priority is still not seen in its true light. Why do people not jump up and down, I would say it is because their lives are noisy, too many distractions and they see business-as-usual all around them. So they keep on keeping on believing the media. Such is how our human made environment affects us. Those who are looking more closely at the issues can see what is going on. Yet I look at people like John Dean and admire their courage and conscience and I would say to others, speak your truth, no matter how it seems. Do it with love and compassion, as I truly feel many do not know what they do. They are caught up in the illusion of power, seduced by corrupt friends and in an environment where anything goes when it feathers the bottom line. Again, another environment unquestioned. It is only when we deeply connect to our own truth that these questions arise – who am I? what is important? I sense many walk around unconscious of what is happening around them and the implications. So I look with interest and ponder what will be the outcome? What will humanity choose? Do we revisit ethics, values and cooperation? Do we decide to live sustainably? Or do we just keep our heads down and survive? Always there are teachers around, John Dean is one such teacher.

This is a video featuring John Dean. It is at the time the Bush Administration were in power, but the implications are still felt today and corruption is still an issue. I wonder how Bush junior and Senior see themselves today given the fall out and questions raised. I guess people either stay in denial or they bravely face weaknesses we all possess, as Gandhi stated. I have to say when Robert MacNamara came out with the Fog of War material, he had seen the truth and revealed what he had learned from his own mistakes. That is the beginning of wisdom.

Mohandas Gandhi

“Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong”
